Wednesday, August 28, 2019

What an Incredible Day!

Wow! What a day today, August 28th was!  If people in Argentina only knew who is here visiting them. We started our day at 5:00 am this morning because Daniel needed to go to work and attend to every detail concerning the visit of President Nelson. Daniel is the guy behind the scenes who remains anonymous. He will not be invited to any event, nor shake hands with our special guests or even seat with the VIP’s but as the D.T. A. he is responsible for all the logistics dealing with today’s mega event. 

Yes, today was an incredible day.  President Nelson gave his remarks in Spanish. He Had all the children first stand and said: “This is the hope of Israel, the children of the promise” As he said those words I thought about our 22 grandchildren. His message was simple and straight to the point. “Guarden los mandamientos de Dios” or Obey the commandments of God.  

As tired as I am tonight after such a crazy, packed day, I can’t help but express how incredibly blessed I feel for the amazing things I get to be a part of in my life and for the amazing group of people I am able to associate with in my life. I am truly blessed for that. I am grateful for my amazing day today, and even though my feet are absolutely killing me tonight after standing most of all day and even though I am as tired as can be tonight, I wouldn’t have traded today for anything! 

I get to be surrounded by so many talented, amazing people who are such great examples to me and who make me a better person for being around them. May your day be a blessed one.

Con amor,

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