In the past 10 years, I have moved around a lot. From Utah to the Dominican Republic to the Philippines and now to Buenos Aires. Living in so many places can be rough but I have found out that it helps me tremendously when I can find connections with people with whom I can connect and helped to create bonds quickly.
That ability to create bonds and connections with people has been a tremendous blessing in my life, and over time I have learned to look for a bond in every relationship I meet as I am a firm believer that people don’t come into our lives by coincidence. I truly believe there is always a reason people come into our life and it is up to us to pay attention and figure out what that reason is.
Today I got a text from a sister from Chile I just met three days ago who invited me to go out to a museum in downtown Buenos Aires so I went. This is my first outing to venture outside of my apartment. Two other ladies joined and as we spent a day together, it was amazing to see the connections that were made. I knew Kathy who was our tour guide, she has lived in Buenos Aires the longest and is very adventurous. She does not mind going out by herself using the public transport We talked about the different connection we had in common of who we knew during just one outing that we both knew back when we lived in the Dominican Republic so it was nice to reconnect.
We all enjoyed swapping stories of the places we have lived and the things we have learned over the years living abroad. Kathy for instance, lived in Russia for almost three years before coming to Argentina. The other two ladies had not lived abroad before so this is their first assignment so it was good to compare notes about that and explain to them a little of what to expect as an expat. One person had lived around but all in the United States and the other moved from Chile.
There are a ton of additional stories I could share of connections that have come about on this field trip as well as many other trips and situations throughout my life – but the point is this: forming relationships and connections with people is one of the biggest blessings in life. One never knows what will come about from the connections we have made and the friendships we have formed. I realize that it can be intimidating at times to meet new people and to form new friendships, but it is worth getting over any discomfort you may have to do it.
Lifelong friendships begin from the simplest conversations and as commonalities are found between you and connections are made the walls come tumbling down and true friendships begin. I am incredibly grateful that I could go on the trip to downtown Buenos Aires with the sisters in our ward. It reminded me how important it is to make time for friendships, new and old.
I hope everyone can make connections with people around you this week. Look for opportunities to make new friends and take the time to strengthen your relationships with old friends. You just never know what blessings will come into your life because of it, but I can tell you that the blessings do come. Thank you to all of you who bless my life by being a part of it.
Con amor,
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