Monday, August 12, 2019

30 days...

30 days to my next trip to the U.S. 

Daniel calls me “La hormiguita viajera" because I love to travel, yes I do and look forward to it each time. But not only that, I love thinking of special occasions coming up that are fun. 

For example, in my life I can look forward to the fact that there are so many days till we go on Summer vacation or General Conference in October and so many days until Christmas and so many days until I celebrate my 60thbirthday and so many days until Daniel turns 65 and so many days until my mom Celebrates her 80thbirthday and so many days until my nephew Alex gets married and so many days until Daniel’s mom turns 90 etc. get the point?  

See how having things to look forward to can make the future seem so much brighter? I think that is a big reason why holidays are so fun; it’s because of the anticipation of the events and gatherings that we know will be so fun on the holidays. 

 It’s why we love having vacation planned for the future; so we can spend months planning for it, getting prepared for it, and talking about how excited we are!  Having something fun on the schedule like that can make the drudgery of the day-to-day go by in a much more pleasant manner.  Having something to be excited about in the future days can make it easier to cope with hard days because it stands as a light at the end of your tunnel. That is why I loved planning for our family reunion last month but it's over so what now? 

Yes, having something to look forward to in life is a great way you focused on being positive and excited abut the future. In fact sometimes the joy that comes from the anticipation will surpass the joy that comes from the event itself. I am now excited about what's coming because it's going to be EPIC!!!

Con amor,

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