What a month this has been! Looking back to February 26th of this year also known as Ash Wednesday, right after I got back from my trip to the U. S. compare to life today is mind-boggling. The word Coronavirus has become a new word in our vocabulary and even our four year old grandchildren are talking about it. The fear that is felt among people today everywhere is overwhelming as the time Peter tried walking on water.
Picture in your mind the details of the scene described in Matthew 14: 25 -32, imagine how Peter and the other disciples may have felt when they saw an image of someone walking on water and didn't know who it was? They were afraid.

I don't believe God wants His children to be fearful or dwell on the evils of the world. 'For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.' He has given us an abundance of reasons to rejoice. We just need to find and to recognize them. The Lord often reminds us to "Be not afraid" to "be of good cheer" and to "fear not, little flock."
These are the moments that we need to remember when Peter cried saying: "Lord, save me "And immediately Jesus stretched forth His hand, and caught him and said unto him, O, thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt? (Matthew 14: 30-31) This is a great example of how Jesus Christ invites us to set aside our fears and doubts and instead, replace them with faith in Him.
Con amor,