I love how Jesus taught with parables using familiar objects and situations to teach a hidden spiritual truth. He used parables so that only those willing to study the parable would understand the message.
It was a custom among the Jews for the bridegroom to come at night to the bride's house where her bridesmaids attended her. When the bridegroom's approach was announced, these maidens went out with lamps to light his way into the house for the celebration. Five of the maidens had plenty of oil in their lamps to light the way, but five ran out of oil. The wise virgins could not share their oil with the foolish virgins because the oil of spiritual preparedness can not be shared.
This parable teaches us to be prepared spiritual for the second coming of Jesus Christ. The oil in the parable represents our faith, testimony and choices. Every time we choose the right by going to Church, praying, reading our scriptures, serving others, going to the temple, we are adding to our spiritual oil drop by drop.
Con amor,
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