Sunday, March 8, 2020

Christ Healing a Blind man

On a Sabbath day Jesus saw a man who had been born blind. Jesus spat in the dirt an made clay, then put the clay on the blind man's eyes and sent him to wash in the pool of Siloam. After doing as Jesus said, the man came away from the pool able too see.

The man's neighbors were amazed ad he explained to them how lJesus had leaked him. The Pharisees claimed that Jesus was a sinner for having healed someone on the Sabbath. When the man who had been blind was asked what he thought about Jesus, he said Jesus was a prophet. Later, Jesus found the man and revealed that He was the Son of God. The healed man believed and worship Jesus.

The disciples may have been surprised to hear Jesus say that their righteousness needed to exceed that of the scribes and Pharisees who prided themselves on how well they kept the law of Moses. But Jesus taught a higher law, much more than the pure letter of the law one that required the heart, the soul and the mind.

Con amor,

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