Saturday, March 28, 2020

Love Your Enemies

Thoughts on our 9 days on quarantine.

By this point in His ministry, it was clear that Jesus's teachings would be unlike  what the people of His time were used to hearing. The poor will receive the kingdom of God? The meek will inherit the earth? Blessed are the persecuted?

The scribes and the Pharisees were not teaching those things. And yet to those who understood God's law, these doctrines felt right. "An eye for an eye" and "hate thy enemy" were lesser laws, (Matthew 5: 38, 43) given to people who were unwilling to live the higher law design to help us one day become perfect, even as our Father in heaven is perfect. (Matthew 5: 48) "

Part of becoming perfect means loving your enemies which is probably the hardest thing to do for any human.

Con amor,

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