Monday, March 30, 2020

Feeding the Five Thousand

Thoughts on our 11 days on quarantine.

Have you ever felt inadequate to meet all the needs you see around you: in your home, in your relationships or in society? Jesus's disciples must have felt inadequate when He asked them to feed over five thousand hungry people (Matthew 14:21) when there were only five loaves of bread and two fishes available.

Each time I have read about that miracle I ponder how God might use our humble offerings of service to bless those around us. The lad who had the bread and the fish is nameless. His name was not mentioned in the story, likewise "many nameless people with gifts equal only to five loaves and two small fishes magnify their callings and serve without attention or recognition, feeding literally thousands. " James E. Faust

We live in a time when people will come to the aid of complete strangers; e.g. Doctors, and nurses working tirelessly at hospitals caring for those who have become ill with this pandemic. Bishops and Relief Society Presidents filling out food orders. Neighbors looking over the elderly around them. The act of kindness by the lad in the story is a reminder that even though no one will ever know his name, Jesus knew because without him, the miracle would have never taken place.

Con amor,

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