We are now in Illinois. Two years have passed since the last revelation. This section marks 21 years since the First Vision and 11 years since the restoration.
Thanks to the good people of Quincy, Illinois, the Saints survived.
Section 124 was given to the Prophet Joseph Smith at Nauvoo Illinois, on January 19th 1841. Because of increasing persecution and illegal procedures against the Saints by public officers they had been compelled to leave Missouri. The extermination order issued by Governor Boggs dated October 27, 1838 left them no alternative. In 1841 when this revelation was given the city of Nauvoo occupying the site of the former village of Commerce, Illinois, had been built up by hard work of the Saints and here the headquarters of the Church had been established. That land was cheap and no one wanted it. It was infested with mosquitos. It was a swamp so they changed the name from Commerce to Nauvoo which in Hebrew means Beautiful. After a few years, Nauvoo became prosperous, it was compared to Chicago, all because of their blood, sweat and tears to build it. Here is a new chance to build His house and it was completed. Sadly, they did not know it then but after four years of hard work, it only lasted two months as the Saints had to leave Nauvoo once again. It was burned and totally destroyed.
The Lord starts by saying, “Thank You” for making the new city of Zion beautiful. The Lord chooses the weak things of the earth. Speak with power, wisdom and meekness through the Holy Ghost. On -going revelation. Kingdoms come and kingdoms go but the power of the Lord’s kingdom will stay forever. Let people know what the Lord’s kingdom has to offer. Our purpose is to prepare the earth for the second coming. On April 6,1845, the proclamation is written in a 16-page document. Promises of perfecting the Saints. Have integrity and love what is right. Be without guile, love your testimony and the things that God has in store unto you. Seek to bless the poor and the needy. Harken unto the voice of the Lord.
This section tells of who is who. Hyrum is solid gold. Bennett sadly did not live up to his blessings. A reminder that those blessings will come to pass “if “we obey. If we do not do what we are asked to do, we have no promise. Those who have passed, like David Patten, Edward Patridge and Joseph Smith Sr. are among those great souls sitting next to Abraham communing with God. They endured to the end. They were to build a beautiful house of the Lord where baptisms for the dead will be revealed that even the grave is not too late, death is not the end. What happens to all the people who never heard of Jesus Christ? How could they be born again to fulfilled the ordinance of salvation? The Temple is the answer. It was set up that way even before the formation of the world. We dedicate a Holy place.
They are to also build a boarding house like the Hotel Utah where travelers will feel the spirit and are given the chance to find truth. A beautiful house, not polluted with smocking etc. A place to develop real lasting friendships. It will cost money to build this house but it will pay for itself as a for profit venture. You may invest buying stock in an orderly manner. There is a minimum and a maximum and you can pass ownership to the future generations. What level of sacrifice can you contribute?
Give your best shot to keep your word obeying the commandments. Just because you haven’t succeeded, keep it up. It’s proof that you are still trying. Is the trajectory of your life that matters, not the length of your life, if death come quickly is about enduring to the end. This is the time when things need to be done in order. The fullness of the priesthood is restored in Nauvoo. The Temple is where you as an individual receive revelation. Is the place where God will speak to your heart and mind. A quiet, peaceful place in the celestial room used for reflection no matter what is happening outside. Be still and know that I am God and this is my House. This is where we learn the Lord’s law. The Church spares no expense when it comes to building a Temple. Temples are physical manifestations of our faith. Should we invest in the Lord’s kingdom? Yes!
There are some things that were reserved for our day. Be open for the on- going revelation in our day. Procedures change with time but not the Doctrine. A temple wedding is only the start. What matters is what you do afterwards to have a temple marriage. Is like having an empty jar that you fill with good fruit in it and seal it.
The Lord will accept our offerings because of our efforts. Rest in peace that you did what you could in Missouri. It was not your fault that things did not get finished. Those who prevented from the work going forward will suffer the consequences. If you love me, keep my commandments. William Law, ended up going down the deep end and turned against Joseph Smith and was responsible for his death, pride was always his problem and Sydney Rigdom a spokesman, and right had for Joseph, sadly, did not stay faithful but on the other hand, Hiram, his older brother was right behind Joseph. His son Joseph F Smith and grandson Joseph Fielding Smith and today Elder Ballard are his descendants who remained faithful. Oliver fell away, he eventually returned. None of us are irreplaceable in the kingdom of God.
(1 Cor. 10:13) You are not tempted above what you are able. Be willing to roll up your sleeves and get to work like the parable of the talents. Live up to your covenants. Repent, be charitable, keep your covenants, put your “stock” into the Kingdom of God. Be a believer in the Book of Mormon. Where your heart is, there will be your treasure. Our patriarchal blessing is there to keep us from faltering but is up to us! The Church is finally ready to get organized. The Finances get in place. The Church structure and who will fill up all the callings are pronounced, so many positions to fulfill. The work is moving forward. You may raise your hand and approve or disapprove. God can accomplish the work of proclaiming the gospel to kings, rulers, high and low, to all nations, rich and poor. Express your feelings with the power of the Holy Ghost but don’t be pushy. Don’t try to reason gospel principles. People will soften their hearts and in due time, those who are prepared will listen and some may or may not choose to be baptized and that is ok.
Prophets, seers and revelators are not infallible.
In Summery the themes of section 124:
1-14 Joseph Smith is commanded to make a solemn proclamation of the gospel to the President of the United States, the governors, and the rulers of all nations.
15-21 Hiram Smith, David Patten, Joseph Smith Sr. and others among the living and the dead are blessed for their integrity and virtues.
22-28 The Saints are commanded to build both a house for the entertainment of strangers and the temple in Nauvoo.
29-36 Baptisms for the dead are to be performed in temples
37-44 The Lord’s people always build temples for the performance of holy ordinances
45-55 The Saints are excused from building the temple in Jackson County because of the oppression of their enemies
56-83 directions are given for the building of the Nauvoo House
84-96 Hiram Smith is called to be a patriarch to receive the keys and to stand in the place of Oliver Cowdery
97-122 William Law and others are counseled in their labors
123-145 General and local officers are named along with their duties and quorum affiliations.
Verses I marked
124:7-8 Proclaim your testimony to anyone including kings and rulers
124: 15 Have integrity and love what is right (Job 27:5) “till I die I will not remove mine integrity from me.”
124: 20 Be without guile (deceit) and love your testimony
124: 21 Seek to bless the poor
124: 23 The Nauvoo House where people will be welcome
124:29 Temple work
124: 44 Labor with all your might
124:49 Do your best
124: 55 Build temples even when is inconvenient to receive blessings
124: 87 Trust in God and keep the commandments
124:88 Proclaiming the gospel
124: 92-94 what is bound on earth is bound in heaven
124: 96 Bear record of the things God had shown unto you
124: 110 Hearken to the voice of the Lord
124: 113 Prove faithful in all things you are entrusted with
124: 116 Repent, be charitable, cease to do evil, don’t slander
124: 119 Be a believer of the Book of Mormon and Doctrine and Covenants
124: 135 Stake Presidents are servants
124:143 Perfecting the Saints
When reading those verses this scripture came to mind. Moses 1: 39 For behold this is my work and my glory to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man.
My “take –aways” when reading section 124
*To me is a testimony of how the Savior is in Charge of His Church no matter what some individuals do or not do.
*To read my patriarchal blessing because it will be up to me “if” I receive those blessings.
*Find a way to serve in my calling even when I don’t see immediate results, keep it up and keep going. Don’t give up. Accept any calling and never resign from a calling.
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