Monday, October 25, 2021

One year anniversary

Yesterday marked the anniversary of my Uncle Franklin’s passing. It has been a hard year for the Henriquez family. He was such a dear uncle. Incidentally yesterday also marked the anniversary of abuelo Hermes Passing. I never had a chance to meet Daniel’s father but I know someday I will. He was an extraordinary man, one of a kind who left a wonderful legacy.  We are hoping to visit Abuela Nela while Vale is visiting.


Happy to report that in exactly one month it will be Thanksgiving and we are going to be in Utah this year. We miss that special Holiday that is only celebrated in the U.S. and occasionally, we have been fortunate to go on vacation during this particularly special time of the year.  We miss the turkey dinners and all the trimmings. It’s so wonderful to see family and learn what they are up to. We can’t wait. 


Daniel is super busy at work as always. We got our friends Ann and Gregg Phillips get settled back in Argentina. They arrived to start their mission right before the pandemic, and had go back home. They had been waiting all this time to come back. They wanted to make sure we told you that they send their love. We appreciate that the Phillips were the only friends who traveled to Nebraska for Ani’s and Spencer’s wedding. They get teary eyed each time they say that. “Know that you are loved.”


We are also going to be welcoming our friends Ines and Alan Walker back to Argentina and will be saying good bye to our dear friends the Haynies who are returning home. A lot of changes happening in the South America South Area before the year ends and guess who needs to get the logistics prepared for all the changes? Daniel, of course. 


This past week, we have been reading all about Joseph Smith’s Liberty jail. Sad that many of us have forgotten all of what he went through in that dungeon cell with awful conditions for some of the coldest months of the year and what the Saints suffered as they were spelled from county to county but my take away from what they experienced is that better days are always in the horizon as the Lord told Joseph: “Peace be unto thy soul; thine adversity and thine afflictions shall be but a small moment.” D & C 121:7 


Con amor,




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