D & C 115-120 Notes
Revelation about establishing the Church in Far West, Missouri. This lesson focuses on the name of the Church, lights and standards, cornerstones and capstones, divine patterns, Adam- ondi –Ahman, overcoming materialism and covetousness, impossible missions, tithing.
Welcome to 1837 and the Financial Panic
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.
Fast forward to today, the Church has no debts
Many members were leaving the Church, even the Apostles
“You cannot destroy the appointment of a prophet of God but you can cut the thread that binds you to the prophet of God and sink yourself to hell.” Brigham Young
“To those individuals who have left, we regret their decision. We wish them our love and will receive them in open arms if they decide to return. The destiny of the Church is certain no matter who chooses to leave.
Be a light to the nations
We are the refuge
The Seven seals or 7 dispensations: Adam, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Joseph Smith. Isaiah II Is a restoration. Jesus continues to emerge even when there is apostasy. Angel Moroni prophesied. The Saints will continue to move to the west. The Far West! Additional counselors will be called to help the First Presidency. It happened when President Kimball as President Gordon B. Hinckley was an assistant to the First Presidency.
In section 115 The Church gets its name: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. If it is my Church it should be called after my name. This is a part of the organization of the Church were a structure is needed. We promise to do all in the name of Jesus Christ. This are the latter days before the second coming.
A saint is a sinner who keeps on trying.
This is what are all aiming to. We stand firm.
There is a fix standard like a basket- ball hoop not throw the ball and make it count.
The hoop is the standard but there is no standard anymore
In the language of Adam. Adam ondi Ahman. Valley of God. Where Adam dwelt. When they went East. is the place where He will visit His pepe. All the ones who qualify will sit at the sacrament table. Th fall is not meant to be permanent.
“This earth was once a garden place, with men did live a holy race, and worship Jesus in Adam ondi Ahman a Hymn.
Remember the Oliver Granger within each of us. Oliver Granger was given an impossible.
Get over focusing on your stuff. What is property unto me?
Let it Go! Trust in God that will always provide for you. Why would you covet a drop?
Be wise. The parable of the talents. Be generous but don’t get into debt to be generous.
Be a true Saint. Do the best that you can. Sacrifice is more sacred than success.
I care about people more than my programs. Get organized.
Have faith that He will provide for our needs.
The new members of England saved the Church
Today, the same way we are building missionary work and building temples.
A lot happens between this revelation and next Spring
There is an extermination order All Saints will leave Missouri
They went to the other side as prophesied. Brigham Young was persistent
Tithing is what makes us who we are. We need to be so generous that it hurts a little. By going hungry we get it taste of how it feels.
How do we pay the 10th part of our increase? Is up to us. The Bishop is not asking to see our W’2s He only asks: Are you a full- time payer?
The Lord cares about our sacrifice which in terms is sanctifies us.
It will start with the creation of the surplus. Counseling together on our needs. Is now the counseling of the disposition of the tithes. To perfect the Saints, to help the poor and the needy and to redeem the dead. All the temples are paid by the tithing we pay.
Live within or below our means and we will always have more than enough. Harrah for Israel!
A few years ago, President Nelson has asked the world to use the correct name of the Church. He explained that it was the Savior himself who named His Church. He said: “I promise you that if we will do our best to restore the correct name of the Lord’s Church, He whose Church this is will pour down His power and blessings upon the heads of the Latter-day Saints, the likes of which we have never seen. We will have the knowledge and power of God to help us take the blessings of the restore gospel of Jesus Christ to every nation, kindred, tongue, and people and to prepare for the second coming of the Lord.”
Con amor,
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