Friday, October 15, 2021

Please have a seat

I think of Exaltation as having a seat at His table. On August 6, 2021, our family attended the most beautiful wedding of my life! I reflected on the fact that you were invited to that wedding either because you were a family member or a very close friend. Those who witnessed the weeding came from long distances and made special arrangements and effort to be there, why? Because you were special enough to be invited to have a seat at the table. I have been thinking about this today because it so happens that another wedding is in the works for next Spring/Summer in El Salvador and want to get in shape for it. 


As I contemplated that day, I couldn’t help to think how Jesus Christ has invited us all to have a “seat at the table.” When I think of having a seat at His table I think of taking the sacrament each Sunday, attending Church, going to the Temple. We are all invited! No one is excluded because each one of us is special to Him. Now, how many appreciate what He has to offer, (exaltation) to be willing to even try? How many of us realized what we are missing when we don’t care enough to make the effort? He will return one day as He has promised, we don’t know the day or the hour but we have been asked to do all we can to be prepared


Con amor,


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