Tuesday, April 26, 2022

I am a grandma again!

Maya Lee Morrison was born this day, April 26, 2022 at 9:44 a.m. In Salt Lake City to Mandy and Spencer Morrison. She had gone the day before to get a pre-natal massage and when she was paying for the massage is when she felt something wet but thought nothing of it. She went to lunch with her friend but as she spent those extra two hours she knew this time the wetness was continuing when she called the doctor, she immediately told her to get to the LDS hospital to get checked. She was hoping that it was a false alarm the way she had experienced before but this time it was the real deal. 


They induced her the next day and as she was starting to push the nurses and the doctor were in a panic mode because the heart beat was diminishing the doctor was about to use a vacuum when little Maya made her debut. She is beautiful. She is a tiny little thing just 5 lbs. 4 oz. and because she is low weight, they will keep her an extra day to check up on her. So far, she is a healthy, happy and very hungry baby. Apparently, there was an issue with Mandy’s placenta and the umbilical cord that made it hard for the baby to get the proper nourishment so it was a good thing that she was born two weeks early. If the baby had not come on its own, they were going to do a C -section on May 4th. The day I will be arriving. 


I couldn’t go earlier because I got the worst cold and want to feel good before I travel. People hear you coughing and they think you got COVID I am glad that she has family and great friends that will be there to help since she thought she had more time to prepare. Every baby birth has a story and that was Maya’s. 


Motherhood is such a privilege denied to so many. What a blessing that our baby girl has her own baby and for that I am so grateful! 


Con amor,


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