Sunday, April 3, 2022

More quotes from Conference

‘We each have a story and in and through Christ we become our best story”

“Please stay for the whole feast even if you are not sure about the broccoli”

“Do not destroy a life that Christ gave His life to preserve. Do not deny us the chance to have you.” 

“We might want to run away from where we are but we cannot run away from who we are. Fear not! Believe only!” 

“He loves you in a way you have yet to discover” 

“Jesus specializes in the seemingly impossible.” 

“More capacity to do Good than any previous generation”

“Jesus really does want you for a sunbeam” 

“You are His most precious possession”

“Begin your search for happiness by embracing the bounty we have already received from the giver of every good gift.” 

“God’s promise to Israel, you are mine”

“He saved the finest for last. That’s you”

“Do not minimize the light God put in your soul before you were born”

“Be authentic to your real true self”

“Power is to change within us because of His grace.”

“We need to come converted to the will of God”

“The love of the Savior will be our guiding light” 

“True conversion is the conscious acceptance of the will of God.”

“Alma 34;31”

“We all have a story. Ties with ancestors increases family closeness gratitude, miracles. Such ties can bring help from the other side of the veil.”

“We were born at this time for a divine purpose. The gathering of Israel, with Jesus by our side we can do hard things.” 

“Find your family and bring them home’

“We can be changed and become new creatures through His Grace”

“When Jesus Christ is inviting us to repent, He is inviting us to change”

“We should be authentic to our true selves, we are divine” 

“The plan of happiness is also the plan of redemption…that is why He sent a redeemer”

“When we struggle for any reason, that doesn’t mean the plan isn’t working. That is when we need the plan the most. The plan works!”

“ Jesus specializes in seemingly impossible. He came here to make the impossible, possible, the irredeemable, redeemable, to heal the unhealable, to right the unrightable, and to promise the unpromisable.” 

“Peter trusted the Savior more than he trusted his boat”

“Connecting with our ancestors can change our lives in surprising ways”

Con amor,










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