A pinch, A spoonful. A ray.
Weakness is different than rebellion
He loves you more than you know
It’ s not about doing more is about doing what matters
I you want to know anything you will have to do something
Our past and present circumstances do not determine our future
Keeping temple covenants is how we endure to the end
Salt Leven Light
No matter our circumstances our lives are sacred and have meaning and purpose
A gospel of action a gospel of joy
Be doers of the word not just listeners. What matters most?
Boss your brain
Conversion won’t come by doing nothing
Your light can be steady leading others to peace
There is always a way to do the right thing
The more we do to stay in the covenant path the more our faith will grow
Keeping covenants brings happiness
Do not misplace eternal values
It’s not about doing more, is about doing what matters
Repent repair and try again
Stepping up and standing out
The power is in us
Put on your shoes is coming
Repent, repair and try again
Distinct and different in happy ways
He will bless you with his priesthood power and enable you to be a profound influence on all with whom you will interact.
God’s love is perfect, the ability to sense that love is not
You are the women who will fulfil the prophecies that have been foretold
It isn’t about the ice-cream and it isn’t about doing more. It’s about doing what matters.
Step up and stand out as a daughter of God
Cut it short
Current situation do not determine our future
Out of small things procedeth things that are great
Jesus Christ is our healing light
God’s love is perfect but the ability to feel his love is imperfect
Be the salt in your family
Choose to be one of the 99. Be obedient.
It’s not about doing more. It’s about doing what matters. It’s applying the doctrine of Christ in our lives as we strive to become more like Him.
Anger can obscure the spirit
Is my love for God constant?
The gospel of Jesus Christ is a gospel of action and a gospel of joy
The Lord sees weakness differently than rebellion
It’s about doing what matters. It’s applying the doctrine to Christ in our lives as we strive to become more like Him
Don’t let speculation lead to deception
Heavenly Father’s prescribed path produces the best eternal outcomes
With Jesus Christ as our anchor and perfect partner, we are assured of his loving strength in trial and of eventual deliverance through Him… The spiritual equipment that keeps us from being broken on the rocks of adversity is our testimony of Jesus Christ and the covenants we make.
Pray intently to know what is distracting me today from focusing on what matters most with a willingness to make some changes
I am a beloved daughter. I have Heavenly parents. My nature is divine. I have an eternal destiny.
May I offer an invitation that we each study, ponder and pray about these truths and seek to understand how they can help us with our problems and challenges in this mortal life.
I invite you to center your life in Jesus Christ and remember the foundational truths in the young women theme.
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