Saturday, April 2, 2022

Saturday Feast upon the word

I love all the quotes that stand out at General Conference!


“May this conference be a time of spiritual feasting…seek and receive spiritual revelation” 

“Relief of poverty, illness, doubt, ignorance, and all that hinders joy and progress.’

“Each one of us has a role to play…you are vital to the Lord… you have been held in reserve.” 

“Hands open, hearts stretched wide.”

“Lord, I give you everything until I have nothing more to give” 

“Boundaries don’t need to be battle ground”

“Sometimes Jesus said nothing” 

“Contention violates everything the Savior stood for and taught. I love the Lord Jesus Christ and testify that His gospel is the only enduring solution for peace. His gospel is a gospel of peace.”

“Today is the day to decide to follow Jesus Christ”

“We will heed not”

“Covenant Connection”

“The Church is more than the buildings, the Church is us”

“Yoked with and bound to =trust “

“Jesus Christ is indeed a personal Savior.” 

“What helps you heed not worldly influences mocking and scorn”

“Have Love”

“Our Savior knows the storms and the places of safety on our way home.”

“So often children are at peace in whatever their circumstances because their parents are there. They trust that all will be well because their parents will make it so. Do we have that same trust in our Heavenly Father?” 

“The Savior knows the way and is the way”

“The church is the scaffolding in which we built eternal families.” 

“We strive to fulfill {Relief Society’s} divine purpose, which is for women to accomplish God’s work in individual as well as collective ways by providing relief. Relief of poverty, relief of illness, relief of doubt, relief of ignorance, relief of all that hinders joy and progress.”

“Even our smallest efforts are making a difference in the Lord’s kingdom.” (Like the child’s faith that a dollar could build a whole meetinghouse.)

“Sometimes we are givers and sometimes receivers”

“Your releasing from your mission isn’t a releasing from the membership of the Church”

“Each one of us has a role to play in the gathering of Israel”

“love generously live mercifully” 

“Peacemakers are confident in beliefs but void anger The are not passive. They are persuasive in the Savior’s way” 

“Hold fast don’t just cling to the word of God”

“We are all inflicted in some manner. Then later, He will make us whole”

“Faith focused on and in Jesus Christ fortifies us with spiritual strength” 

“We are all one family of Christ”

“Do not fear” D & C 6:36; 2 Timothy 1:7 

“The world hated Him before they hated you”

“Have the doctrine written on our hearts” 

“Press on, hold fast, heed not” 

“Fidelity to covenants and ordinances allows us to hold fast to Christ” 

“Heed not what the wicked may say but the Lord we will obey”

“If we abide in Christ, He will abide in us”

“When we want to please the Lord is when we know we are changing” 

“Do I allow my afflictions to be consecrated to my gain?”

“The place to begin is to know that I am a beloved child of God & to trust His inspired servants.” 

“To be like a child is not to be childish, it is to be like the Savior who prayed to His Father for strength” 

“Accepting His will is key to finding joy”

“Unbelief blocks our ability to see the miracles”

“Faith is not by chance but by choice”

“It has never been more important to understand how to build on that sure foundation.” 

“Accepting His will in place of our own is the key to finding joy no matter our circumstances.”

“He knows the way, He is the way”

“At judgement day, we don’t want to shrink in His presence. We want to stand and smile.” 

“Overdependence of ourselves can impede our ability to call upon the powers of heaven.” 

“Young Women theme is for all” 

“Show God He can trust you”

“This generation has more capacity to do good than any other. Lend your candle for the cause. Fear not, believe only.” 

“Jesus came to give us life by conquering death”

“To change our nature we need to be like little children: submissive, patient, humble, and meek.” 


Con amor,












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