Thursday, February 5, 2015

All my bags are pack and ready to go!!

Ready to go see my sister Vanessa and mom in Mexico. My mom does not know I am coming so it has been so hard to keep this a secret. This reminds me of a book a used to read the girls by Dr. Seuss and looking what to write about today I found this post by Amy Anderson,  my favorite blogger who is in fact, quoting someone else. This is what she wrote:
“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You`re on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who`ll decide where to go…“What a great quote by Dr. Seuss!

"I came across a great article about this quote from Dr. Seuss that was written by a woman named Jacqueline Wales which I wanted to share with everyone. She writes the following:

You have brains in your head. Stepping out of our own way is the biggest challenge for most people. We over think, or under think, and many times the thinking is completely skewed in the wrong direction. Using our brains is what changing our thinking is all about. Move from the negativity to the positive and learn how to embrace your fearless self, removing doubts and anxieties that are currently stopping you from being your best self now. (This reminds me of my mom, she is  so positive.)

Feet in your shoes. How many of us are standing in our own shoes? It took me years to realize that I was walking in someone else’s. It was a proud day when I could say they were mine. Don’t be walking someone else’s path, and don’t go trying to wear shoes that don’t fit you. Pinched feet are painful. Leave them at home.

Steer yourself in any direction you choose. Choosing a direction is the hardest part. What do you really want for yourself? Where do you really want to go. Once you decide on that, then take every possible action to get yourself where you want to go.

You’re on your own. That much is clear. We are totally responsible for EVERYTHING that happens in our life, whether wittingly or unwittingly, we have made a choice or a decision that brought us into the circumstance or event in our life. Being responsible for each and every aspect of your life means you’re on your own, but you are not alone. Everyone is right there beside you .

You know what you know. It’s all inside of you. The questions and the answers. Trust yourself more. Fear is essentially our lack of trust that we have all the answers, that we can control our life. We are stronger than we think, and we KNOW a lot. Trust you more often.

You are the one who’ll decide where to go. It’s your life. Learn how to embrace it, and allow it to unfold the way you want it to be. Be Fearless: See Where It Gets You! You will be surprised at what you find.”

What a great quote and what a great article! I think we sometimes fall into the trap of thinking we are a victim of circumstance in life and we forget that we may not control all of our own circumstances in life but we certainly control the way we approach them, handle them, react to them, and think about them. My little brother Andy writes songs and there is a quote from one of his songs that I absolutely love. In fact, I liked it so much that I printed it and put it up at home in my home office. It says “Our world tomorrow holds what we’ve done today”. I love it because it reminds me that the choices I am making right now in my life, this moment of this day, are creating my tomorrow. We have complete control of how we are going to view things, handle things, react to things and think about things in our life. When something bad happens in our circumstance we can still choose to see the positive in the situation, even if the positive is simply that we learned a hard lesson and we will be smarter for it in the future. We have our free agency to make every choice for ourselves. We may not always get to choose which options will be presented to us in life, but we 100% get to choose how to handle those options and how to view those options. I think its the viewing part that is the really big key here. Have you ever stopped and listen to your own thoughts? I know that may sound a little weird, but I am totally serious about this. I did. I stopped tonight and listened to my thoughts as I was complaining about having to handle this and that and how stressed I was about several things I needed to get done, and I realized that all my thoughts were doing was making me feel worse about my circumstance today. It wasn’t making me feel good and therefore, life didn’t feel happy. So I decided to stop that line of thinking and refocus my energy. I started thinking about how lucky I was to have the opportunity to work on the project I had been working on today, I started thinking how excited I was to get some work done that had been piling up for a while now,... Suddenly, by just changing my thought process I realized that I started to feel better, even happier. And all I did was change my thoughts. What a powerful lesson to be reminded of. So I thought I would share it with all of you today so you can give it a try and make your day better too!

Today’s challenge is to recognize that you are steering and you are in control of your thoughts and where they will take you in life, so keep them focused on the positive and just see the PLACES YOU’LL GO!"
I am so happy of one place I know I will go tomorrow. Mexico! I have found out that planning trips makes me happy when I know I will be with loved ones. I can't wait!!


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