Thursday, January 12, 2017

Oliver is one

Today Oliver Krone or I should say Daniel's mini me turned one

Every time a child turns one, I wonder sometimes how life will be for him or her in five, ten, fifteen, twenty or even thirty plus years. Is this world coming to an end any time soon before any of those mile stones? Or will it continue for another century? Will I make it to 100? Who knows? 

Today I was talking with one of my dearest friends and she said “Some days I look in the mirror and don’t recognize the aging woman staring back at me because she looks nothing like my young spirit on the inside.”   I knew EXACTLY what she meant because I feel that very same way every time I look into a mirror.  

It’s so crazy because when you aren’t looking in the mirror you see yourself as this young adult who never ages, but when you look into the mirror you see this other person who just keeps getting older and older.  The wrinkles continue to come and the roots turning gray start to spread well beyond the point of being able to be referred to as roots anymore.  On the inside you feel like your spirit has all this energy, but on the outside your body is slowly deteriorating and the things you once did with little or no effort suddenly ending up causing aches and pains that take longer and longer to heal.  

You find yourself attempting crazy stupid physical challenges only to be faced with the rude awakening that your body is no longer able to do what your spirit thought it was.  There is no question that the aging person in the mirror can be tough to face, but it is something we all end up having to do… I came across several facts that put time and aging into perspective – (just a quick warning before you read them, these facts might make you recognize just how old you actually are):

            Nintendo was launched 30 years ago
            Simba from the Lion King is 35 years old now
            Simpsons made their first TV appearance 28 years ago
            Vanilla Ice is 48 years old
            Pirates of the Caribbean came out over 13 years ago
            TV Series Full Houses ended 21 years ago
            Google was created 19 years ago
            Ross and Rachel’s baby Emma on the TV show Friends would be 14 now
            The Little Mermaid is celebrating her 28th anniversary this year
            Home Improvement went off the air 18 years ago
            Andy from Toy Story started college in 2010 and should have graduated by now.
            Bryan Adam’s song Summer of 69 came out 32 years ago
Okay, fine, so if I wasn’t feeling old enough already, that definitely confirmed just how old I am.  Well despite the wrinkles and aches and pains I suppose there are some positives to growing old.  We gain wisdom and understanding; we gain confidence and a better sense of self; we get to look forward to having grandchildren; and eventually we even get a great senior citizen discount at restaurants – The other day I found out that at Ross we can get a senior discount every Tuesday. Yes! 

Here’s to all that we have accomplished and endured in our lives that have brought us to where we are today.  And here is to every hard earned gray hair and wrinkle we have accumulated to this point.  And finally, here is to that young spirit inside and the aging person staring back at you in the mirror, because both of them are Amazing!! I love being a grandma and having 15 healthy grand babies and one on the way! We also just found out that Sydney is expecting in July! What a wonderful time to be ALIVE!

Con amor,

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