Tuesday, November 20, 2018


Thank You! Two simple words that are said to be the most powerful words in the universe. “Thank You” is an acknowledgement that you appreciate the other person’s time, kindness, and talents they devoted to doing something. Saying “Thank You” is an expression to of love and kind thoughts. It`s the best way to say “I appreciate you”, and who doesn’t love to be appreciated?!

Hearing the words “Thank You” is reinforcement that what you have done has been valued, acknowledged and is appreciated, and hearing it makes you feel FANTASTIC!

But, how often do we say the words “Thank You”?

Sometimes we forget to say thank you and we take people for granted.  We just expect people to help us, or listen to us, or just be there for us for that reason I have started a gratitude journal where every night before going to bed no matter how tired I feel, I write something down about that day to give thanks. 

Today, I am so grateful for the Christmas gift I had made for Daniel. I think he is going to love it and I can't wait for him to open it. This is a small way I can thank him for all the things he does for me and our family. I also have another little gift for him to open in Uruguay as a thank you but I can't say anymore about i because it is a surprise. 

Now think about how you feel when someone tells you how much they appreciate you. Doesn’t it make you want to do even more?? Yes, because you know they really noticed what you did.  Hearing “Thank You” really motivates people to do even more good things for you in the future!

Why is it that we wait until Thanksgiving to share with others all that we are grateful for?  Why not make every day Thanksgiving?  How would our lives be enriched if we told at least one person a day how much we value and appreciate them?  And what if we sent out at least one thank you card a week?   How would that make us feel?  Not to mention how the receiver of our thanks would feel.  It’s not enough to feel grateful – we have to express our gratitude!

If we spend our day looking for ways we can say “Thank You” it will keep us focused on noticing the good things other people do that we are thankful for.  It will keep us constantly reminded of the good in the world around us.

I think we should all try harder to use the words “Thank You” every single day.  We should all put a note on our car dashboards and on our mirrors and on our desk that say “Thank You” so that those words are always in front and center in our minds.  We should use those words all day long.  We should use them when we talk to people at work, when we talk to friends, when we talk to strangers, and when we talk to each other in our homes.

So I’ll be the first to say gracias, merci, Shunkran, Danke, Mahalo, Dhanyayad, Grazie, Domo, salamat, Thank you! to all of you for just being you, and for being awesome, and for making the world a better place because you’re in it. Thank you!

Con amor,

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