Sunday, September 8, 2019

A birthday celebration

Last night we watched the 95th birthday celebration of President Nelson and what a treat that was! We watched incredible performances by Donny Osmond, Tenor, Nathan Pacheco, Jenny Oaks Baker and family. The Bonner Family, GENTRI and the Tabernacle Choir. The icing on the cake was when he surprised the audience by playing the piano, Chopin's "Prelude in C minor" Wow!

Some years ago, President Nelson offered Daniel a blessing and all of what he said has come true. He talks to you looking at you in the eyes as a caring friend.  He remembered my name as we shook hands. I don't know how he can remember people's names but he does.  For our weeding he gave us the copy of his Book and glued our invitation on the front cover with a dedication. Who has the time to do a that? He is amazing! We were lucky to have heard him talk at our home ward in Bountiful. He lived three houses down from where we lived.

He is not only our dear Prophet but a friend. I think he is a friend to each person he meets. When he came to the Dominican Republic he spoke to the area presidency telling them how pleased he was with Daniel's work as the DTA and when he visited us in the Philippines he told the employees:" Let me tell you something about Daniel Almeida, I love this man" I felt so touched when he said that.

Con amor,

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