Friday, September 6, 2019

Today is a new beginning

So, like most people in the world I always start my New Year off with the resolution to lose at least ten pounds. I do it every year with the best of intentions and some years I have done awesome and other years I have failed miserably. In 2009, I did amazing and lost about 24 pounds because I wanted to look good for my wedding in October.

But 2019 has arrived and can’t say I will look that good on my 10thwedding anniversary, actually, I have done terrible. I gained 35 pounds back from the weight I had lost…sniff…sniff… But here we are at the start of a new school year feeling hopeful for this “new year.” I know it’s not technically a new year but I always associate September and back to school as a beginning of sorts. A second chance per se to start something new and have just four months before my 60thbirthday. 

We are also going to be attending my nephew’s wedding in 2020 and you can bet your bottom dollar that I am determined to get back in shape again before the wedding next Summer. I am confident that is doable because there is time. I refuse to be that woman that is too overweight to enjoy her life and who gets winded just walking up a simple flight of stairs, which sadly happens right now! So back to school is spelled back to my diet. I have begun my four months to a “Celestial Body Program! “And this time I am committed.!

So, the next time I am tempted to put something unhealthy in my mouth I need to remind myself that “Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels!  whoever came up with that quote clearly has never lived in Buenos Aires. The food here is incredible so much that I know for a fact, this is not the place to be when on a diet….Just saying ðŸ™‚

Because misery loves company so much I thought I would invite each of you to join me in this quest of four months to a celestial body so I can have my own little support group of people to bond with as we get on those treadmills and eat healthy together!

Four months to a celestial body has officially begun and this time, I am DETERMINED!!!

Con amor,

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