Thursday, January 2, 2020

Going back in Time

On Christmas Eve, one of the questions I had at our dinner table for people to answer was: “Would you rather go back in time to re lived a year in the past or move forward to see what’s in the future? I would love to go back 25 years when I had just purchased a new home and my girls were ages 13, 10 and 4. And not to mention witness once again all the stuff that came out in 1995. 

Tomorrow I will be entering a new decade in my life. I am saying bye to the 50 something and entering the 60 something Yikes! Speaking of birthdays and growing older, I should warn you that what I am about to share might cause you to feel super old! It is a list of things that are turning 25 this year in 2020. Time really does fly by.  Here are a few of the things from the list of things turning 25 this year:

The Disney movie Toy Story was released. Our family love this movie so much. My girls particularly loved the song “You got a friend in me” and would use it as a background music for video presentations.

DVD’s were born. Wow! They were like the most amazing invention ever! It meant no longer needing to have cassette tapes or huge laser discs. I remember how excited we all were when DVD’s came out. This one really makes me feel old because today they are becoming extinct. 

Nintendo 64 was released: I remember people fighting over this game around Christmas time. Dr. Mario changed and the way video games are played. 

The George Foreman Grill was sold for the first time, which inevitably lead to the VERY BEST episode of the TV show “The Office”. The episode where Michael burns his foot on his George Foreman Grill when he stepped out of bed onto the Grill that was making his breakfast bacon. Seriously the funniest episode I can remember to this day.  

The very first match was made and on line dating became popular. Dating was never the same again. I know so many people who met their spouses that way. 

The Macarena:  I don’t think I know a single person who has not done this dance. The song by Los Del Rio that became a huge dance sensation. Remember? 

Too bad I can’t go back to 1995 but I feel grateful to still have those great memories. 

Con amor,

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