Sunday, January 5, 2020

I believe in second chances

Life offers you a second chance. It’s called tomorrow 

Isn’t it great to know that when you wake up each morning you start your day with a fresh new chance to make of it whatever you will? I think it’s fantastic!!!

“Today is a new day. 
It is a day you have never seen
Before and a day you will never see 
Again. Stop telling yourself Stop telling yourself
The same lie. How many days
Has that lie stolen from you?
Seize the wonder and uniqueness of
Today! Recognized that throughout this beautiful day, 
You have an incredible amount of 
Opportunities to move your
Life in the direction you want it to go.”
 Dr. Steve Maraboli 

I love the quote: “Life always offers you a second chance.  It’s called tomorrow.” Because it reminds us that it’s never too late to start over. It’s never too late to try again. It’s never too late to attempt something new. It’s never too late to become everything you want to become.

The key is to start today! Start right now. This very minute. This very day. Start from this second forward doing it the way you wish you would…the way you wish you had…just start now.

Look we can’t rewind the movie of our life up to this point and play it again, but we can always change what our movie will be from this point forward. I love the month of January because is my birthday month and the beginning of a new year. I hope to be able to start over things I didn't finish last year and to try something new too. 

Con amor,

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