Friday, February 14, 2020

Happy Valentines

You brighten my day,
Just know that you do,
I’m ever so lucky,
To have a friend such 
Dear as you!

(Got that from a Hallmark card.) 

I don’t typically do a blog post when I am away on vacation but today was too special to pass up. I am spending this Valentines with the first love in my life. My mother! She is turning 80 years- young tomorrow and my sisters and I are in Orlando to celebrate her big day tomorrow.  (Feb. 15this tomorrow – yay!) 

I can’t wait for tomorrow to come but today I wanted to take a quick minute to wish all of you a Happy Valentine’s Day! Whether you have a great love in your life or not I hope you know that all of you who are reading this post are loved tremendously by a loving God!! 

I also wanted to personally wish my sweetheart a very Happy Valentine’s Day today. Although today we are apart, we will be together forever! You are an important part of our blended large family and I can’t say enough how I appreciate you so much for letting me come to be with my mom. 

Thank you, Daniel, for being a part of my life each day. Thank you for your love and support you have given me for so many years now. Please consider this my Valentine’s Card to you. Have a great Valentine’s!    

Con amor, 

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