Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Introducing "The Playful Nest"

You probably never heard of “The Playful Nest” but in a better world, I believe “The Playful Nest” should be a household name for parents, grandparents, teachers, coaches, or anyone who is in contact with children or youth. 

The Playful Nest podcasts were  developed by Cristi Dame who is a licensed counselor and a mother of four. In her weekly podcasts, she discusses amazing practical and useful ideas for parents. I can listen to her all day. I love how she ends every podcast with words of affirmations. 

These are the words of affirmation for the month of February:

“Choosing love helps me find peace
I take time to listen to myself and others
It’s ok to make mistakes because they help us learn and grow
I am full of light and I am full of compassion.”

I invite you to discover all the light and knowledge found in each podcast of “The Playful Nest”  

Con amor,

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