Saturday, September 12, 2020

7-Up Ways to Start Your Day

Thoughts on 176 days of quarantine and the count -down begins!  


I write on this blog my thoughts every day, except when I leave town. I have not traveled at all in the last 176 days which is a record for me but that is about to change. 


In five days, we are going to board a plane headed to Miami, connecting in Dallas to arrive in Utah. It’s scary to think about that, but It is what it is. We have doctor appointments which had been postponed for months but what we need more than anything is to be able to see, touch, and be present. 


I know we are living in a pandemic and there is so much sadness going on in the world but we can’t continue to live in fear. Here is a post I saw a while ago that sums up my feeling today about ways to start your day. I don’t know who the Author is but I think is inspiring. 


7-Up Lifting Ways to Start Your Day 

1.    Wake up and decide to have an amazing day as one of your affirmations.

2.   Look up to the Lord. He is only a prayer away. 

3.   Dress up and the best way to dress up is to put on a smile

4.   Cheer up say nice things and have a positive attitude

5.    Stand up for what you believe in. Stand up for something or you will fall for anything but be kind and don’t be overbearing. 

6.   Reach up for something higher. Set some good goals.

7.    Lift- up Be a good friend and help those around you.

Con amor,



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