Thursday, November 12, 2020

Grateful for our children

Earlier this fall, Daniel and I spent vacation time with several of our children’s families. We went to the zoo, an aquarium, and This is the Place Monument.  Kids love panning for gold. I recommend it, if you have the time. 


We loved spending time chilling having lunch or dinner with our dear loved ones. We drove for miles to be with them. One son is building a new house. Another daughter sold her home and another son-in-law needed a Priesthood blessing. It was given just in the nick of time. What a tender mercy! 


The vacation included, soccer games, birthday celebrations, busy toddlers and a brand- new baby girl. Our granddaughter Lyric Rose, reminded me that I haven’t been a young mother in decades. Bianca has not slept in weeks but keeps on going like the energizer bunny until she collapses while putting her toddler to bed. I couldn’t help to think how I love these wonderful young mothers we claim as our own so willing to do the extra mile for their children.


How grateful I feel to have witnessed their homes and how proud I feel for their strength and stamina teaching, rearing, encouraging, coaching and being an example to their young and for that I feel blessed!  


Con amor, 


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