Monday, November 16, 2020

Words of inspiration from Elder Cook

Here in Buenos Aires we are ending our 14- day quarantine tomorrow. We are looking forward to getting back to some type of normal. Before the pandemic, we had made plans to go to Uruguay every month. Ironically, it’s hard to believe that we are so close and yet so far away,  but at least we have the technology that allows us to stay connected. 


Over the weekend Elder Cook presided over a multi-stake meeting in Uruguay via zoom. He reminded us all that President Nelson will deliver a message on November 20th at 11:00 a.m. MST primarily about gratitude and Elder Cook hopes that we all make an effort to watch it together with our families and that we make the effort in sharing the message with everyone we know. He said: “This is a prophet, this is the Lord’s chosen vessel for the Savior to work through at this time so I testify of President Nelson, I testify of the Savior. “


“I want to testify to you that Jesus Christ lives and that He guides His Church. We are very careful not to share spiritual experiences that would in any way diminished what we have received and I respect that with all my heart but I want you to know that through personal experience that I do know the Savior’s voice and I do know the savior’s face. I am a sure witness of the divinity of Jesus Christ and I testify to you that He lives and He guides His church. I am a sure witness of that and I want you to know that. He did atone for the sins of everybody, it covers all those things that appear to be unfair, all those challenges that seem so difficult for us to face. I witness to you that the Savior accomplishes that for us. His Atonement is the greatest event in the history of mankind and the thing that we relied on when we voted in pre- mortal existence to come to this earth. 


My prayer for you all is that you will do everything in your power to build faith in the Lord Jesus Christ that you will share with those around you the love that you have for the Savior and that you will strive to invite them to partake of the blessings that you have. That is what the Savior would like us to do in our individual capacities. Make your homes sanctuaries of faith that will be special and that will prepare your children and your families for the times that are ahead. I Leave you with my witness of the divinity of Jesus Christ and do so in His sacred name, in Jesus Christ amen.”  


We were very touched by those words and wanted to share them with you. 


Con amor,


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