Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Brandon Flowers

I appreciate testimonies of people I admire,  here is one from Brandon Flowers  who is a name people recognize all over the world. As lead singer of the popular band The Killers, his songs have reached millions. He is also a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I asked him why he believes, and this is what he told me:


“I choose to believe because I have felt the Holy Ghost more times than I can remember, certainly more times than I deserve. I believe not because l’ve seen pillars of fire or pillars of light but because my bosom has burned as if by fire, and my path has been illuminated as if by light. I believe because every commandment I keep improves my life. And I believe because I remember.”

For those who might be struggling, remember to look for God’s hand in your life. Remember the Spirit you have felt. Remember the angels that walk among us.


Brandon went on to say:

“One of my favorite things about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is its open invitation for all to come and gain a testimony for yourself. You don’t have to believe just because your parents did. There is confidence enough in the gospel to encourage anyone and everyone to put it to the test. That’s what I did, and that’s why I choose to believe.”  And I second every word he said! 

Con amor,



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