One of the things I love doing is the ABC book I started making when Manuelito was born over eight years ago, Up to this point I have done over 10 of these books, including: Manuel Da Silva, Lily Frey, Joseph Almeida, Nixon Dame, Beckett, Dame, Charlotte Almeida, Graeme Almeida, Christopher Krone, Owen Almeida and the last one I made was for Tiago Almeida. Next in line are: Ruby Merkley, Asher Dame, Norah Merkley and Oliver Krone. I love, love those babies with all my heart and for me those simple teaching found in that little book are so true and is what I want them to always remember even when they get old.
I do one when they turn a year old so they can use in Church as a baby book. I don't know how many do appreciate this thing that I do but I want those kids to know how much I do care about the things I believe in and hopefully one day, they will also believe too. That is part of my legacy.
This is a gospel ABC book and it starts with:
A is for Angels and I do believe in the ministering of angels in 3 Nephi 17:18-25 we read: When Jesus appeared to the people in the Book of Mormon, he blessed the children then angels descended and encircled the little one and ministered unto them.
B is for Baptize: I remember when I got baptized, a day I will never forget. When we turn 8 years old we can be baptized like Jesus was baptized. (Matthew 3:13-17 )
C is for Church: I always have a happy feeling when I go to Church D&C 59: 9-10, Mosiah 2:4
D is for Daddy: Malachi 4:6 and I add the quote" Anyone can be a father but it takes someone special to be a daddy"
E is for Eternity: Mommy and daddy were sealed in the temple for time and eternity and we are an eternal family. D&C 132:19 ( all the children have been sealed in the temple. )
F is for Family: In the temple, families are sealed together for time and eternity. D&C 132:19
G is for Grandparents: (This should be easy except when the grandparents are divorced )
H is for Healing: Jesus healed the sick (Mark 1:31)
I is for Israel: When Jesus was on earth he lived in a place called Israel. He loved to teach the people and took special time to talk to the children.(Matthew 5)
J is for Jesus Christ: Jesus loves us very much. He has made it possible of us to someday live with Heavenly Father again, (Romans 8:39, D&C 14:7)
K is for Kneeling: Jesus showed us how to pray. When we kneel down to say our prayers it shows Heavenly Father we love and respect him. (Luke 22: 41-44, Romans 8: 39)
L is for Love: Jesus loves the little children, "Little children like me" (Mark 10: 13-16)
M is for Mommy: Alma 47:21 and I also add" Everything I am and hope to be I owe it to my angel mother."
N is for Nephites: Jesus came to visit the Nephites in the land of Bountiful 3 Nephi 11
O is for Obedience: Jesus disciples obeyed him to become fishers of men. I will obey his commandments too. (Matt. 4: 19)
P is for Prophet: We have a prophet on the earth today. His name is Thomas S. Monson. he tells us what Heavenly Father and Jesus wants us to know. (Alma 3:7)
Q is for quiet: Today, dear father, I will show how quiet I can be, to thank thee for the many things, that thou hast given me. (CS 27)
R is for Resurrection: Jesus was crucified, but three days later, he rose again. He made it possible for all of us to be resurrected. (John 11:25, Alma 33: 22)
S is for scriptures: Reading the scriptures teaches us about Jesus, and all the things we need to do to live with him again. (Mosiah 1:7)
T is for tithing: We pay 10% of the money we earn to the Church. The money helps build temples and Churches all over the world. (D&C 119: 4) this is one I am 100% sure it works!
U is for Utah: The pioneers left their homes and came to settle in the State of Utah.
V is for Vision: Joseph Smith saw Heavenly Father and jesus Christ in the First Vision. (JSH 1:27)
W is for Word of Wisdom: We can take care of our bodies by eating good food and staying away from strong drinks, tobacco and other bad things. (D&C 89)
X is for Exaltation: Exaltation is eternal life, the kind of life which God lives in the highest degree of the Celestial kingdom. Forty days after his resurrection, Jesus left his Apostles and ascended into heaven in a cloud to be exalted by the right hand of God.
Y is for you: Heavenly Father made you special. There is no one else like you.
Z is for Zion: Enoch was a prophet. Many people listened to his words and built the city of Zion. They were righteous and lived in peace, sharing all they had. They became so righteous that the whole city was taken up to heaven without tasting death to live forever in the presence of God.
(Moses: 7: 18-21)
So there you have it. That is the end of my Gospel ABC Book that I give to all my grandchildren as soon as they turn one because it is never too early to teach them gospel truths. Now that I finished Ruby's and Asher's it's time to start packing. Yay!! I can't wait!!
Con amor,
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