Yesterday was a big day for the Merkley household. Ruby turned one! She has been growing steady and making a lot of improvements over the past 12 months since her birth as a premie. She was much wanted and prayed for miracle. I can't think of any child so much waited and wanted in this life than our Ruby. She has the most amazing parents too! Bianca and Joseph are both perfect parents for her and Norah. Lucky girls!!
I want to thank everyone who had been a great support to Bianca and Joseph on their behalf. It has been amazing to witness all the love and support felt from those dear friends and family. Thanks for the notes of encouragement and sincere concern a year ago when so much was uncertain.
Fast forward, today Ruby is growing remarkably well. She is even ahead of her peers. What a ray of sunshine Ruby is and what an amazing miracle.
Thank heaven for these wonderful miracles who come into this world each day to be part of our world. Love them, appreciate them. protect them from harm, spend time with them, hug them, tell them how much you love them and most importantly thank your Heavenly Father for them. I don't know how could I ever repay for this amazing blessing but one thing I know, I will always be thankful to the Lord for granting us this most wanted wish.
Con amor,
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