Most people are creatures of habit. We get into routines where we do the same things day after day and we get settled into our pattern of living our lives. We can become so comfortable in our day to day routine that we literally stop trying new things. We just keep doing the same things over and over.
For many years my life was like that. I was out trying to save the world and then I came home and spent time with my family and then put them to bed and kept working until late and then fell asleep and started over again the next day. For most years of my young married life and even later when they were teens, I did that because I felt I had to. I don't understand why? I worked at the shop without getting paid. I worked at Reid School as a Spanish teacher making very little money but I love to teach. I worked for the Family Support Center helping families as a parent advocate but what consumed me the most time was being the Honorary Consul helping my community where I not only didn't get a dime for doing that but had to spend money of my own. Why did I do that? I don't know. Is what I saw my mother do growing up. She was always on the go.
Now I wished I hadn't been so busy because I let myself go and I wasn't ever home. I wished I could go back in time and start over but since that is not possible I want my girls not to ever do what I did. Now I am trying to be a stay home wife and I love it. Each time I have stepped out of my comfort zone and tried new things I find my life becoming more interesting and I become more excited to try even more new things. I discovered how much I love being a housewife. I love cooking new food and having the home spotless. I love trying new things! Today I was playing the piano.
I think that trying new things really invigorates you and help you regain that passion for life. It is fun and exciting and it helps you feel like you are growing and progressing at a much faster pace. Even little new things can have a big impact on your passion and zest for life. Think of little things you can do or try – maybe you start taking a cooking class, or take an art class, or maybe you join a book club, or maybe you begin writing, or maybe you take a dance class, or learn a new skill. Or maybe you go even bigger and start a new company or a new product or maybe you start a new job or pursue a career change. Big or small, any new thing you can try in life is going to help you branch out and discover more and more about yourself.
My advice today is to have courage to go out and try new things. Force yourself to break out of your everyday habits and insert something new and exciting into the mix. Then watch and see how your passion for life will grow…making you more and more excited to try even more new things!
My life today is the life I wished I had back then. I wished I had done the things that were more important than saving the world but some people only learn the hard way. Now, I must say, I love being a housewife which believe it or not, this is something new for me.
Con amor,
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