Thursday, September 22, 2016


I remember when I lived in Utah this day on September 22nd when it made it officially the first day of Autumnal was a depressing day for me. I don't like the cold weather but that was my fault. Why? because of all those years I lived there, I never went up the mountains to learn how to ski. I learned the hard way that if you going to live in Utah, that is a must you need to do or you will be miserable. 

I decided to learn to ski a little too late in life at age 50 and it's not the same. I am more scare to do things like that than if I had been i my twenties or thirties. Lesson learned. For those out there who never had gone skiing, do it! You will enjoy Winters a lot more than I did. From here on out the temperatures will begin to drop for people who live in Utah or just about anyplace North in the United States and the days start getting shorter than the nights. 

 Autumn is officially upon us! but now that I live far away where there is no Fall Season to speak of, I have to admit that there are many things I absolutely love about the Fall Season. I love seeing all the leaves changing color. My husband loves taking drives up the canyons to see the amazing colors in Utah. For him this is his favorite thing to do, for him, that is the best! Come to think of it, I also love some things about the Fall: I love pumpkin flavored everything, the breads, the cookies, the seeds, I love all the fall parties and black tie events and galas I used to attend as the Honorary Consul.  I even love eating some Candy Corn and all that candy you get at Halloween. 

I love yummy caramel apples and homemade apple cider, and apple pie, and apple everything, I love a large Vanilla Steamed Milk with Whipped Cream on it from Starbucks on a cool morning, or making some abuelita hot chocolate, so so good… I love a bowl of warm soup for lunch with a pile of saltine crackers, I love starting to plan for Halloween decorations…and costumes, I love lighting a fire in the fireplace, I love starting to plan for the holidays Oh, and I can’t forget finding cute new fall clothes, and cute fall boots, gotta love that !!

 Yes I have always loved fall season but for some reason I always thought I hated it until I met my husband who loves Fall especially because it was in the Fall when we got married. When you think of it,  there is usually an excitement and an energy in the air.  The kids are back in school, everyone is home from summer vacations and ready to hit the ground running, and there is just this anticipation of the season ahead.  I have a feeling this Fall is going to be amazing even when we are in the Philippines. I will make this Fall season here on the other side of the world be fantastic! 

How is going to be fantastic? We are going to Utah next week for starters and we plan to do our Christmas in October that we do some years and this year we have plan to do it. It's a way of telling the kids we think of you often and here is a git for you so you can remember us too!!

Con amor,


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