Monday, September 19, 2016

WWII Memorial

Yesterday we took three visitors to a cemetery that contains the largest number of graves of any cemetery for U.S. killed during WWII, the graves also includes people from Philippines and other allied nations. 

We have visited this site many times except this time Daniel read a journal entry and prayer President Hinckley gave in 1961 (before he even knew he would someday be the Prophet.) What was amazing and very sobering was to read those prophetic words as he describes the Philippines the way it is today.

I like how President Hinckley kept detailed written notes of what transpired that day, on April 28th 1961. (To think I was only 15 months old when he wrote this) Here is a sample of his journal entry: " I arose at 4:30 a.m. to go to the American War Memorial Cemetery on the outskirts of Manila. Here are buried 17, 168 war-dead, and on the walls are inscribed the names of an additional 36,230 who are missing. At this hour of the morning with the sun rising over the mountains and the sea to the east, and the golden clouds in the sky, it was a marvelous setting. Here we met to invoke the blessings of the Lord upon the missionary work in the Philippines. Surrounded by reminders of war, we met in the name of the Prince of Peace." 

Opening Remarks: “This is an occasion you will never forget. What we begin here will affect the lives of thousands upon thousands of people in this island republic, and its effects will go from generations to generations for great and everlasting good…this land was dedicated…August 21, 1955. We are here to dedicate ourselves to the work and invoke the blessings of heaven upon the labors that will be performed here in the future. As we gather this morning in this beautiful and peaceful place, there crossed my mind the thought that there are three debts that none of us will ever repay in full.

The first, of course, is to the Savior, the Redeemer of mankind, the Son of God, who gave his life that we might live, nothing that we shall ever do will in full measure repay for the debt to Him.

Another, is to those who are remembered here in this cemetery the thousands upon thousands (more than 53,000 f them) who gave their lives that we might have freedom to assemble as we are assembled this morning, and freedom to worship God according to the dictates of our conscience.

Yet another is the debt which we owe to those missionaries who in days and years past, came at great sacrifice to us or to our fore bearers to bring the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. It is fitting that we meet in this place, which has become sacred and hallowed by the sacrifices of many to invoke the blessing of heaven upon the work which shall now be commenced here.

The legal requirements have been met, the Church has been officially registered under the laws of the Philippines… to the American members here I would like to say that your hands are now free to teach the Gospel to the people of the Philippines with whom you come in contact, to teach both by example and by precept, and to assist the missionaries in every way in the work which lies ahead of them.

It will not be easy. It has never been easy. But it has always been satisfying and fruitful. Now…all of you join with me in a prayer to the Lord, an invocation, a seeking of His blessings upon the work which we now initiate… I have come under assignment from the First Presidency and the Council of the Twelve who hold the keys of the priesthood on the earth in these latter days…we shall now join together in prayer to invoke the blessings of the Lord upon His work.”  He then continued with the most inspired prayer. As Daniel read those prophetic words, an overwhelming feeling  came to me as I thought, how all of what he said has come to pass and what a great blessing it is for us to be part of it.

Con amor,

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