Sunday, August 14, 2016

Calling the family

Every Saturday night or Monday morning we call the children. On Saturday night is their Saturday morning and our Monday morning is their Sunday night. We used to call Sunday morning because this would be their Saturday night but this year, we have Church in the morning. 

We don't have any other way of communicating at any other times during the day   because of the fourteen hour time difference. We always joke with the kids that we are in the future, therefor, be careful of what you are doing because we know the future! 

"The greatest gift you can give someone is your time. Because when you give your time you are giving a portion of your life that you will never get back." Unknown.

I don't know who said that but it is so true. When you think about it, we all have 24 hours in our day to do anything we want and this goes to the rich and the poor alike. The rich, even with all the money of this world can't buy time. So this is what we offer our children each time we call them. We are offering them our time, the one and only thing we are scarce of. They might be busy at times but it's the only thing we can do this far away. 

A friend told me the other day that they have a rule in her home. "The children she said, are the ones who supposed to call their parents." That sounds like a great idea because there are ten of them to keep track but if we did that, perhaps we would never hear from some of them because they are way too busy. So we tried that for a while and ended up calling them instead. We want to hear from them, we want to see what they are up to, what challenges they are facing, what new things are the grandchildren doing. We can't get enough when we see those darling grandkids! They are the once that keeps this family alive! We miss them and wish we could all live in the same town. And I know, one day, that will happen as we become an eternal family. That is my husband's dream and mine. 

Con amor,

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