Monday, August 1, 2016

The year mark

A year went by so fast!

A year ago we arrived in Manila not knowing what to expect in a place so foreign to us. I was nervous thinking if I would be happy here because, for starters, it is sooooo far away from all our family. There are no monthly luncheons here, the area Presidency is very distant from us and there are only two other expat families who work at the office with Daniel (unlike all the expat families we knew in the D.R.) not to mention that in the D. R. we all lived together in the same building.  Here in Manila, you are scattered everywhere, the streets are crowded and the traffic is by far the worse I have ever seen. I couldn’t help to keep comparing.

But fast forward, it has been great! The people here are so sweet and kind and that makes up for any inconvenience. We have moved three times in one year and we hope we don’t have to do that any time soon. Now we feel settled and so happy! I love this quote: “ It isn’t what you have, or who you are, or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It is what you think about.” Dale Carnegie and I think about all the wonderful memories we are making here.

However sometimes I wished we all lived in the same city and neighborhood and even the same building. Last weekend I hardly slept worrying about the situation with Dr. Reid and Mandy but what matters is that you are at peace with yourself and that you did the right thing. Daniel had hired someone who supposed to start working this week but decided last minute to take another job. Hernan had accepted an offer but changed his mind to go work for EXXON. I knew a fellow who even moved to Dallas and began working there but quit after the first week to come back to Utah. This happens all the time. But for some reason I felt anxious and sad. As you go into your day make sure you decide that today you are going to be happy, no matter what!

 When challenging issues happen throughout your day make sure to face them remembering that you have already made the choice that you will be happy and read uplifting messages to cheer you up.  President Gordon B. Hinckley said: “ Believe in yourself. Believe in the capacity to do great and good things. Believe that no mountain is too high that you cannot climb it. Believe that no storm is so great that you cannot weather it. You are not destined to be a scrub. You are a child of God, of infinite capacity. Believe that you can do it whatever it is that you set your heart on. Opportunities will unfold and open up for you. The skies will clear when they have been dark with portent…He who is our Eternal Father has blessed you with miraculous powers of mind and body. He never intended that you should be less than the crowning glory of His creations.”

 Sometimes we aim too low because we have forgotten that we have infinite capacity to do things far beyond what we can even begin to imagine today.

At times we just need a reminder of exactly who we are and the limitless potential we hold inside of us. We have the capacity to do anything we set our hearts on. All we need is to be reminded that we can literally handle anything that life puts in our way. We just have to have faith and believe.

My message to our family today is to let you know that from where we are we think of you often and pray that you will be protected from any harm, we pray that you will live up to your potential as a son or daughter of a loving Heavenly Father and we pray that you will always remember to keep your covenants. Bottom line, we pray for your happiness.   

Con amor,


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