Monday, August 8, 2016

Women's Meeting

Last Sunday we were invited to attend the Area counsel meeting. The meetings are held  every three months with all the area Seventies.  In the past we had a sacrament meeting together and went home afterwards. This time the wives were invited so following the meeting we had lunch and then we split up like we do at Church with Relief Society and Priesthood. 

At the wives meeting I was asked to say the opening prayer. There were about 20 women in the room so the first thing we did was to pair up to introduce each other. And as I listened to each women tell about their sister friend I couldn’t help to think how boring this world would be if we were all exactly the same. If we liked the exact same things, wore the same type of clothes, had the same talents and interests, etc.

Yet we often spend time judging people precisely for being different when we should be celebrating their differences and what we each bring to the table. The following quote was shared ”Differences are not intended to separate, to alienate. We are different precisely in order to realize our need of one another. “ By Desmond Tutu. The ladies meeting among other things was about issues like gossip. Apparently that is a big problem with some of the members. 

Other topics discussed included: how to have balance with our busy lives? How to be a helpmate and support to our husbands? We talked about the confidentiality aspect of their jobs. Our husbands deal with many problems and issues at times that we become aware so to keep all that confidential and if we don’t know the details of a situation, don’t ask! But the one topic I very much needed to hear as a reminder was the idea to trust your instinct!

There are so many times when we have to make a decision. So we consider all the info we can get on the matter and try to make a t choice we can. But sometimes we can’t get all the info we would like and we are still forced to make a decision. Those are the scarier decisions to have to make. I have come to realize that all the info or not, the most important decision making tool you have is leaning to trust your gut instincts. Sister Haynie has a quote on her fridge that reads: stress is when your gut tell you to say no, but your mouth says, sure, I’ll do it.” At closing she told us: “We are all entitle to our own revelation through the Holy Ghost. When you don’t feel good about something then walk away, no matter what other people say and  no matter what the facts on paper show. Conversely, when you gut does feel good about something then have the courage to go for it. No matter what other people say and no matter what the facts on paper show.“

Many women in the room share experiences when they acted on a prompting and they are so glad they did. The overall theme was that as women,  we need to be in tune and know when we feel a prompting to act on something.

Con amor,


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