Wednesday, August 24, 2016

The Hey Joe show!

Today was the much anticipated Hey Joe This is a group of five young men who served a mission in Cebu, Philippines. They got home after their mission and become homesick for their mission here so they put a video together in Tagalog and lo and behold, they get a million of viewers. They see this as an opportunity to actually do something even better so they started their group. Go on you tuve and type Hey Joe show and you'll see what I mean. They even interviewed Rodrigo Duterte,the President of the Phiilippines who has been on the news recently for his strict laws on drugs. 

The term He Joe comes from the way Philippines call Americans when they see them. The missionaries are used to being called Hey Joe and that's where the name came from. They were here, came to the office. We had lunch with them and I went to see the show. It was all clean, funny and over all amazing. What is unique about them is that they speak Tagalog and Cebuano. Two of the main languages in the Philippines and love to joke about experiences they had when they were learning the language. The guys went home for their last year at BYU and who knows what they'll do next but for now they are a big celebrity here and very much loved by the Filipino members around the world. 

Last week, Before the show started, we had two hours of a pre-show. From singers, dancers, and video clips that we showed. The venue was in an outdoor setting at a mall. What was so amazing is that the whole week before and after the show it rained hard but on the day of the show, it stopped raining. The whole day from start to finish was dry but guess what happened the next day? It started to rain again and it has continue raining every day. Looking back I think wow, what a miracle that was!

Con amor,


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