Thursday, August 11, 2016

The Holy Spirit

I believe in God the Eternal Father, and in His son Jesus Christ and in the Holy Ghost. They are three separate beings. We are created in their image which means they also look like us but one is a spirt with no body and that is why he can be everywhere and in every heart. His mission is to warn us an help us achieve our full potential if we only listen to his whispering. In the secular world, this in know as a gut feeling, or intuition. Some refer to it as instinct or following their gut. Some refer to it as an inner voice or the Spirit. I don’t really care what someone calls it, all I know is that it’s real!

I interesting enough, there is an article that came on the Wall Street Journal about this topic I want to share: 
"When You Hear a Call To Your Life's Work" By Clare Ansberry of the Wall Street Journal "Whenever you feel like you have had a profound religious experience or awakening that changed the direction of your life (for the better) it is almost like a transcendental experience. Every human on this planet is capable of feeling it. A sense of calling to act on something. It can come through a message planted on your head, a realization or a series of unlikely synchronistic events, some may call it, serendipity and some people even sense a divine presence. Others feel connected to something larger than themselves. This feeling might even come as we are contemplating nature. There are times also that we get inspired by others around us. People of all ages and faiths, agnostics and atheists have such experiences, yet they rarely talk about it. Some scientists and scholars are beginning to pay attention, says Lisa Miller, director of Clinical Psychology at Columbia University."

had the impression of asking Terra Bromley in my ward about who she uses to purchase homes in Orlando. She gave me her name and her contact information and that is how I got in touch with the realtor who helped me find a home for my mom and sister. I believe we all get promptings in our lives that will help us if we listen to them. Sometimes it may be something as small as contacting someone to help us buy a home, and sometimes it may end up saving your life or the life of someone you love. All I know is these promptings work if you listen to them and follow them. I know everyone has had those promptings so stay in tune and figure out when they occur and I can't tell you enough how much your life will get even easier. 
Con amor,

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