Friday, October 24, 2014

Activity days

I had the children come to my home today for activity days. We had been discussing the first vision and today we saw the movie of Joseph Smith. If it wasn't for the book of Mormon, It would seemed so hard to imagined that he saw so many Heavenly beings but that is the only way the gospel could have been restored. Amazing!
I asked the Missionaries to share their thought since this is something they are teaching. As they spoke it touched my heart to see  such incredible young girls who sacrifice 18 months of their lives for what they believe. I am always in awed by their service. I hope someone is feeding my Cousin Albert’s son, Braxton while he serves in Cambodia! I also am awed by those who serve in our Military. I NEVER let a service man or woman pass me without thanking them for their service. What great examples of selfless courage both are to me.

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