Saturday, October 25, 2014

Pardon my French

Today was temple day with my husband. I reminded him that the last session is now at 4:00 pm rather than 7:15 pm and that we better go right away when I saw it was 2:30 pm if we wanted to make it to the 3:00 O'clock session or to go walk around the park for a bit, shower and go to the 4:00 pm session but we decided just to get ready and go earlier. The session was in French and it felt wonderful to listen to it on a different language. I felt something very special. It was so nice to listen to it in French since I had to listen to it so carefully to understand.
 I always feel good when we remember to do this on Saturdays. It is the only day we can go considering that Daniel does not get  home from work early enough to go on weekdays.  I loved it because it is full of people from all over including some of the islands. I felt very helpful since I am a worker I was able to help the sisters know how to put on the headphones, something so simple but you  have to know how to do it.

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