Friday, October 21, 2016

Counting all my blessings

What incredible three weeks this has been!! Around three weeks ago, we had arrived in Utah. There was so much to do and so little time like always.

Our first week: We left on Tuesday September 27th and after several long flights and waiting a airports for hours we got into Salt Lake in the evening and went to the Plaza Hotel where we were staying. Daniel went to get the car with Andy.

The next day we went to see the kids and attended Layna's recital
The next couple of days we were busy visiting with friends and going to see several doctors including Daniel's dermatologist and our dentist. We also went to see our primary doctor, Reid Hale. He seemed very efficient and straight forward. He saw our charts and told us both, we needed to lose 20 pounds.

Our weekend: On Friday we went to Andres and Jami's home to have dinner and to have our Christmas in October celebration. I had bought a lot of gifts to give them and I also sent the others' who weren't there, their gifts. We went to General Conference on Saturday and Sunday.

The following week: As usual Daniel had meeting for three days, two of those days I had meeting with the Presiding Bishopric and wives. It was always wonderful. We got to tour the humanitarian and the Bishop storehouse. We had a delicious lunch as always and the company was amazing.

The following weekend: I was preparing my talk on the holy ghost. Both Cristi and Bianca came to Salt Lake for the baptism. I gave them their gifts too. On Saturday we went to do some laundry at Vales but what was our surprise? Analia and family were there. Daniel was so happy! He told me later how he almost cried when he saw them. The baptism went well and afterwards, we said good bye. to Ani and I went to the airport to go to El Salvador. I found a flight in Delta that leaves Salt Lake at night trough LA and gets to San Salvador early the next morning.

The following week: It was wonderful to be there those four days. We went to Church on Sunday. we went to the set apart for Paola on Monday, to say good bye at the airport on Tuesday.  It was so bitter sweet! That day I went to see the lot with Roberto Paredes I had bought 10 years ago from Mario Paredes. Roberto owns the other half of the land. It's beautiful! I loved the place!! To think I actually own a little piece of El Salvador is amazing. On Wednesday I was there to take my mom to the doctor and I am glad I went with her. She had a bad bronchitis and the antibiotics were not doing anything for her. She sounded so ill, poor thing. I also had a chance to do the transfer of the money I had received in El Salvador to help pay the line of credit loan we took to buy the home in Orlando. On Thursday I boarded more planes to get to Manila once again.

I fell so blessed! I got to do all that in just three amazing weeks! Thank you Heavenly Father!
The only thing I couldn't do was to go to the beach so next time I go that is going to be the first thing that I will do. Until next time!

Con amor,

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