Saturday, February 11, 2017

Cooking Pasta Frola

I have always wanted to learn how to make this Italian dessert. Pasta Frola. Argentines and Uruguayans love this recipe and finally for the first time a dear friend from Uruguay came to show me how to make it. It was a hit!

We took it to Bowens who had invited us to eat paella last Thursday.  She wanted to invite Elder Haynie who is starting to feel better. He has been ill for the past week. What I love about eating with dear neighbors is that you get to know them a little better each time.

I made a extra pie for us. When I went over to the kitchen this morning to get a piece for me, I saw an empty dish. Daniel eat it all which means that he loved it. This is one recipe I will start making more often for sure!

Later in the evening we went to a Spanish restaurant to eat our favorite dish and to buy a pan to make provoleta.  Next time we go, I think I might get the pan for paella and learn how to cook it. I know four people now who makes great paella.  My sister Liz, tio Jeff, sister Bowen and my mom. I should be able to get the recipe from anyone of them.

Con amor,

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