Wednesday, February 22, 2017

The Family blanket

I had this blanket made for Daniel.  I had the sign "Families Are Forever" placed in the center of the blanket as a theme. My friend Chichis makes this blankets all the time and she was the one who took me to the place where I purchased the fabric and got the photos printed on fabric as well. I also got a lady to do the embroidery of the sign in the center of the blanket. The back of the blanket has the colors of our wedding. Gray and burgundy. It is beautiful! This blanket was hand stiched.

I thought he would like to see all pictures of our even children and us when we where kids placed on fabric to remember how we are all children of God and an eternal family.

I also had the picture of our wedding on the very top included because that marks a new beginning for us to be a blended family.

Blended families can be tricky because there is so much history that we don't share of our past but what is important is that our life is eternal and that from the point of our marriage forward, we are going to be together as one family.

I didn't want to do a blanket of our family as it is today because it would be old news very soon. Our family is changing all the time and it will continue to change even after we are gone. Today on February 16th 2017 we have 16 grandchildren added to our posterity and more on the way. Every child born to this family is very precious to us! That is how our Heavenly Parents must feel about us.

I want this blanket to be a testimony of the following:
We are all children of a loving Heavenly Father.
We need to keep our temple marriage covenants if we wish to be together as a couple.
All families, big or small, are unique and special to the Lord.
There is one child in the Celestial Kingdom waiting to meet us again.
We are a forever family.

Con amor,

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