Wednesday, May 24, 2017

The Beauty of Holiness

Today in Institute, we discussed the talk by sister Mc Conkie on Holiness. The questioned was asked: What is Holiness? Sister Mc Conkie explained:

I see the beauty of Holiness in sisters whose hearts are centered on all that is good,
who wants to become like the Savior.
They offer their whole soul, heart, might, mind, and strength to the Lord
in the way that they live every day.
Holiness is in the striving and the struggle to keep the commandments.
And to honor the covenants we have made with Goc.
Holiness is making the choices that will keep the Holy Ghost as our guide.
Holiness is setting aside our natural tendencies
and becoming a saint through the atonement of Christ the Lord.
Every moment of our lives must be holiness to the Lord.
In other words, holiness should not be viewed as something hard to reach.
Our Father in Heaven knows us. He loves us, and He has provided for us all that is required so that we can become holy as He is holy.
We are daughters of Heavenly Father, and each of us has a divine heritage of holiness.
Holiness is keeping our covenants.
Holiness is taking the Holy Ghost as our guide.
Holiness is a gift of the Spirit.
Do we set aside the phone, the never ending to do list, and the cares of worldliness?
Holiness is becoming a Saint through the atonement of Jesus Christ.
Heavenly Father has has given each of us the capacity to become Holy.
At the end we sang more Holiness give me.

Con amor,

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