Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Sacred space

Elder Haynie gave an amazing devotional today to all the Church employees.
He told of a story when he was a small boy building a tree house and showed a picture of an amazing tree house that he had envision and then what he was able to build.

He said that he and his brothers used the best materials they found around and was a great sacrifice to built it. He compared it to the building of our temples and went into the biblical history of building temples found in 2 Chronicles 7:1-2 but with time those covenants made in those temples were not kept and how it all stopped until the Kirland temple and  showed how that temple was built with such sacrifice. Two years after the Church was organized Joseph was commanded to build a temple at a time when the members had nothing D&C 84:5 D&C 88:119 and in 1836 it was dedicated.

We need to create our won secret place in our homes. Our homes need to be a place for refuge.
It should required
1. Sacrifice
3. Dedication or rededication
4. Acceptance by God
5. No unclean thing allowed to enter (TV shows, music etc.) Get rid of the filth like you get rid of germs.

Then he finished a story told by a radio announcer of Lake Wowigan in Minnesota.
of a boy who was assigned to go to a neighbors house in case of an emergency. When those people saw him come to visit they were so happy to see him and likewise Heavenly Fathter must feel so happy to see us visit his house.

Con amor,

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