Friday, January 21, 2022

Happy Birthday Daniel

Yes, January 21th is my better half’s birthday, so I want to take a moment to publicly wish him a very Happy Birthday and to tell the world that I consider myself the luckiest girl in the world to be married to such a genuinely good man. 


No, he isn’t perfect –  but no man is and neither are any of us women. But I need to give Daniel serious credit for being near close to perfect in every area of life that truly matters – he is a man of absolute integrity, he is kind, humble, caring, patient (clearly as he is married to me), and a great dad, a loving husband, an incredibly hard worker, generous, talented, a man of great faith, the first to help others, smart, and totally dedicated to doing what is right in his life.


I could go on and on with that list of what makes him amazing, but the bottom line is that I am the luckiest girl in the world to have him as my sweetheart and our children and grandchildren are the luckiest kids in the world to have him as their Dad and grandpa. He will never do anything to ever be considered shameful.


Oh, and even though it’s not on that list of “areas of life that truly matter” I have to say that he is one romantic man :), which is great icing on the cake. I am definitely a lucky lady. I asked for the family to write birthday messages for Daniel this year. I ended up writing them all out and taping them on the door to surprise him with a “heart attack” What I love most about them were the words used to describe him that included:  motivated, positive, honest, fun to be around, service oriented, kind, trustworthy, loyal, self-sacrificing, hard- working, inclusive, One of a kind, intelligent, and my favorite “Christ-like.” 


“Everybody deserves someone who makes them look forward to tomorrow.” – unknown


I can honestly say that Daniel makes me look forward to all of our tomorrows together and I hope that he had the best birthday today despite the pandemic. The day started by opening gifts to having lunch where we sung happy birthday to having cake at the office to having dinner with our friends, the Philips who invited us. 


For all of you ladies who are lucky enough to have found a “Daniel” of your own – make sure you tell him how lucky you feel! And for those of you still looking, my advice is to WAIT FOR IT! Waiting for him to come into my life was the best decision I ever made :)! HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEBE!


Con amor,


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