Wednesday, March 30, 2022


There is nothing that makes me more upset than when I have made mistakes. They usually happen when I don’t follow my gut feeling or even use common sense. Mistakes teach us a lesson every time and we better take a note and learn from them or it will happen again and again. I rent three apartments and whenever I have had a bad feeling but I have disregarded that feeling, or not discussed it with my husband because I have rushed deciding in approving a prospective tenant, I have been burned each time. 


Here is the classic example. One fellow never disclosed the fact that he had two animals and wanted to move to a tiny one bedroom furnished apartment. After he had been given the keys he sent me this email:  "Veronica, Per the lease agreement, I'm sending you the required paperwork for my 2 service animals. My medical provider's contact information is included for further questions. I'll need your approval once you've reviewed it. It sounds like you'll need to submit paperwork to the HOA as well. If you could do that at your earliest convenience, that would be very helpful as they aren't allowed in until the process is complete. Thank you and have a good weekend.” 


Good grief! I thought, I am going to have a heck of a stressful weekend! That type of approval must go through the HOA Board and it needs to be approved by the owner of the condo, which means that as the owner I would have to submit a request in his behalf to the HOA board. There is a letter that details everything that must be submitted for the board to approve service animals. All documentation is given to their legal counsel for review before they decide on the request. It’s not that simple! 


I took a big breath and calmly answered, "Dear Gabriel, I am sorry to inform you that I am deathly allergic to pets and can't have you move in. Please return the keys and let me know where I can deposit or send you back the money you sent. I wish you had been up front with me in letting me know of your intentions regarding having pets."


Veronica, he wrote, I'm sorry for the misunderstanding. I have no pets, as I've stated prior, only 2 service animals. Under the Americans with Disabilities Act and Fair Housing Act, they must be accommodated. I would be more than happy to have the unit deep cleaned by professionals upon move-out. If you have more questions regarding my medical status, please contact my medical provider, whose information is listed in the ESA paperwork. If you have questions regarding the Fair Housing Act, I can put you in touch with my attorney. 


Dear Gabriel, "In any event, it seems to me that the fact you did not advise me of your animals before you agreed to lease the unit, a matter of great importance to you and a potential violation of the HOA by-laws, raises an important question about the enforceability of the lease signed. I am so sorry to let you know that you will not be able to move into our apartment as it is stated in the contract, animals of any kind are not allowed. I checked on line and there are many pet friendly apartments you can check out. One for example is located near where you want to live. I can send you their information if you would like. Thank you. 


He answered: “As a disabled person, it's not for me to argue this further nor do I have the time. I've filed a charge with the Utah Antidiscrimination & Labor Division. They will contact you to continue this conversation.” No, I thought, this is ridiculous! I felt as if I was dealing with a real criminal. One who would cheat, lie and be atrocious to my beautiful home we love so much like our baby. There is no way I will allow this character to be part of my life because that is what a tenant is to me, a friend, someone I can trust. I can’t possibly trust anyone who hides who they are and he even lied to me. Being forced to do business with a fellow that has damaged my trust is like forcing a marriage with someone I don’t want. I am the victim here and what is worse is that he has threaten me with a charge against me for discrimination when I told him the contract said, “residents may not keep, allow or maintain animals of any kind on or near the premises. The HOA rules and regulations do not allow it!” 


Since the HOA does not allow animals of any kind in the building, that would change the nature of the housing services that I provide. It would not be fair for the neighbors but he is threatening me with Discrimination based on his "disability." There is nothing that bothers me the most than when people use their “I am being discriminated against'' card. Especially with someone like me. Someone known to fight for people’s rights and advocate for the underdog. I am not the type of person he is accusing me of being. I can get hundreds of signatures from people that know me, who can say Veronica would never discriminate against anyone, especially someone with special needs. What this man has done is slanderous. 


The apartment comes fully furnished with heirlooms and property that would be damaged which I know will cost me a lot of time and money, and he even wants to bring big items into a tiny space and not one but two animals. I can picture my beautiful apartment being trashed. I had been in tears and had not slept or eaten at all since I was made aware of this precarious situation.


According to the Utah Legal Services landlords and the Fair Housing Act if the landlord owns fewer than 4 rental units and does not use a broker or agent, then the landlord does not have to follow the Fair Housing Act and I think I fall under that category and what matters to me is to know that I am protected by the law so I needed to get a good lawyer from a reputable firm. I went with Kirton and Mcconkie. They represented me and got the case resolved in a timely manner. It’s a good thing being 5,000 miles away since I will never have to face this character. 


Here is what I learned: Follow your gut and when not sure, don’t rush making decisions. Council with someone. Two heads think better than one. Also, when someone shows you who they are, believe them! 


 Con amor,


Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Rental Fiasco

I purchased two units in the 99 West building. Unit 502 and before that unit 1705 where Elder Carl B Cook rented from me and would like to do it again. 


The only problem is that a fellow who signed a lease last week never told me that he was bringing "two service animals" to the 1 bedroom small apartment and I am deathly allergic to animals. 


The apartment comes fully furnished with heirlooms and property that would be damaged which I know will cost me a lot of time and money. 


According to the Utah Legal Services landlords and the Fair Housing Act if the landlord owns fewer than 4 rental units and does not use a broker or agent, then the landlord does not have to follow the Fair Housing Act and I think I fall under that category. 


The HOA does not allow animals of any kind in the building and that would change the nature of the housing services that I provide. It would not be fair for the neighbors but he is threatening me with Discrimination based on his "disability" 


Chris Corroon, who sold me the units, reached out to Tory Christensen at Kirton and Mcconkie to see if they could terminate the lease based on misrepresentation by the tenant. 


What a nightmare. I have not slept or even had any appetite for two days. 

I am praying that his heart will soften and that he can walk away from the lease agreement. I kick myself from signing the lease since it was not necessary to have done it but its too late now. How I wish I could go back in time and have done things differently. 

Con amor,



Feeling stressed out!

We went to a nice ranch to eat lunch and attend a meeting. I get home, check my email and find out Gabriel is wanting to bring two animals to the apartment he is leasing from us. 

Chris Corroon sent this information today.

According to the Utah Legal Services landlords are not required to follow the Fair Housing Act 

If the landlord owns fewer than 4 rental units and does not use a broker or agent, then the landlord does not have to follow the Fair Housing Act. This means the landlord does not have to give you a reasonable accommodation.


A landlord can deny the reasonable accommodation if:

  • You are not disabled;
  • The animal would cost your landlord a lot of time or money;
  • The animal would change the nature of the housing services the landlord provides;
  • The landlord has actual evidence that this animal would damage the property or endanger other tenants; or
  • The landlord rents a house or apartment that is not covered by the Fair Housing Act.

This is all because Gabriel wants to bring two "service" animals. 

Here are my Reasons why I can’t rent unit 1705 to Gabriel:

 I am deathly allergic to animals.

Gabriel never mentioned he was bringing service animals which simply means that he lied.

The apartment is very tiny and he has two animals.

The apartment comes fully furnished with heirlooms and property that would be damaged which I know it will cost me a lot of time and money. 

The HOA does not allowed animals of any kind in the building and that would change the nature of the housing services that I provide. 

I am the Landlord and take care of the unit but because I live abroad I use friends and family to show the condo and hand out keys. 

He told our building manager that he is bringing in big things and did not clear that with me. The apartment comes furnished. He can’t be brining any other big things. 



I need to ask Tory Christensen at Kirton and Mcconkie to terminate the lease based on misrepresentation by the tenant. 

What a nightmare. I am hoping it will eventually get resolved by tomorrow. 

Con amor,







Monday, March 28, 2022

Home sweet Home

We are back from the 2022 Cluster meeting in Cuzco, Peru. It was amazing! We had not had a cluster meeting since 2019 when we still lived in the Philippines. 


Interesting that out of seven DTA’s in Latin America only two remain. Most have retired. We are considered seasoned and the big question on our minds is, with a few years before Daniel retires, what would be our next assignment? We still don’t know. On Wednesday, we met with Bishop Budge and he didn’t say one way or the other if we were moving. Bishop Budge sends his love to all of you. 


All our apartments have people in them. As soon as our friend moved out of the apartment she has been using while her home was being built, our agent found someone who needs a place right away. It looks like there is a big housing shortage in Salt Lake and that includes rentals.   


We are going to a ground breaking for the Bahia Blanca temple in two weeks. For now, Daniel was left in charge of the area now that all the General Authorities are in Salt Lake for General Conference. Look out for Elder Hugo Martinez talk. Elder Martinez and his wife Nuria are from Puerto Rico currently serving in Ghana. They were our neighbors in Santo Domingo. I can’t wait to hear all about the trip Cristi, Nixon and Beckett took to Ghana. 


Well, it looks like our next assignment it is still up in the air. I am beginning to think that we probably will stay another year. We would know for sure in a month. 

Con amor,












Sunday, March 20, 2022

Moving our flight was inspired

It was a good thing that we moved our flight one day earlier. We had enough free time on Friday to see Nela and do some other errands, anyway. Coming back on Saturday rather than Sunday is giving us time to spend a good Sabbath day to ponder and think about what was shared at the seminar. 


We also could help Amy Littlefield with the logistics of her transferring to another airport an hour away from Buenos Aires and ministered to her. She had no idea of what to do regarding taking the PCR test and how to pay for it. It was a tender mercy that he was there to help. Daniel loves helping people. Her husband Shane Littlefield gave us very good insights. He explained: “All you do during the week prepares you for Sunday worship. Can you evaluate your week to see who would you invite to Church on Sunday? See sacrament meeting as the culminating hour or event. 


Everything is based on Preach my gospel. We might want to warn them about what to expect at Church. Is there something that will prevent you from coming to Church? They don’t know anyone. Is good to ask what do they need. We are sincere. The love that we have for our Lord and the people is what matters in the end. Help them to have a good experience. Let them know about the dress code. Let them know the importance of the sacrament. Sit by them. Introduce them to the ward members. Invite them to get involved in the activities. Develop friendships. Anyone who comes in the building may feel more at ease in coming to Church on Sunday. The spirit produces converts! After the meeting is over, there needs to be a briefing about what they felt.” The least we could do was to take care of his wife. We did exactly what we were asked to do in the Seminar. To be disciples of the Lord by doing good deeds. We need to show not just talk. Daniel also went over and beyond the way he always does even helping a Bolivian guy who needed direction. 


In the Seminar, the missionaries are asked to do the work for the Love of Christ and the people they are teaching. Go from house to house teaching to those who will listen. People are not rejecting them, they are rejecting Christ since they are representing Christ. 

 “they do not know where to find it” 


Those who feel the urgency have goals, they prioritize their time, the attitude they have, they are great example, they know and take seriously that they are representatives of Jesus Christ. It is good that they need to read the letter they received when they were called. They need to read the letter periodically.  They have more disposition to work hard, it is reflected in their attitude, they are connected with the objective to bring souls to Christ. The Urgency should be a way of life rather then something circumstantial. 


President Hinckley said he would dedicate his life like the souls of his shoes. When they have more to do, less is the time they should think of themselves. 

Constant effort to find and retain. The urgency comes to take our missionaries to center their lives in Christ. Have a healthy balance of goals, work, and we center everything we do in Christ. 

1 Nephi when Lehi tasted the fruit and wanted to share with those he loved. 


Members efforts are a real asset. Menu of opportunities of members. Identify those people who has passion for missionary work. In fishing, always have more than one line in the water. Talk to every person you know as possible. Teach to find and find to teach. The pandemic made so things are done on line but best is to talk face to face. 

This is an invitation by Elder Ballard so the Bishop can spend his time with the youth. It’s all about relationships and the friendships we make in this life. “Si, se puede!”   


Con amor,


Saturday, March 19, 2022

In Montevideo

Mission leader’s seminar 

Montevideo March 13-19

We arrived on Sunday March 13th to have everything ready for the seminar. The setting was in a beautiful iconic old hotel in Carrasco. This was the first time in over two years that we met face to face due to the pandemic or political unrest in Chile. 


Elder Allan Walker gave the welcome. 

“The most important part of the seminar is the time you are together sharing.” He said.  


Elder Christensen: What is joy! part of this joy is go be born again and see the change in our lives. The focus of the Seminar is to become disciples of Christ. 


On Wednesday, we went to the temple to do sealings. 

We also had breakout session of the sisters and brethren to cover specific topics. We spoke of what it means to see the face of God. 


Serve, teach, invite. Faith is what cause the change. Do and make covenants.

The first step to be a disciple is the be baptized. The importance of receiving ordinances and covenants. 


Look for the talks of Elder Maxwell. There is no better joy, than to be a disciple. 


Sister Burton in 2017 gave a talk on the subject of becoming a disciple.

President Nelson, April 2017 Many talk in April 2017 was about the disciples. 

To love God is to obey his commandments

Peter and John found out what it meant to take his cross and follow him. 

Take my yoke is to take his cross and do what he needs us to do. We feel the need to help in the work. We are refined as we go through trials. 

Part of the process to be a disciple is to represent Christ in all we do.

All scriptures are based on the five promises we make in the temple.


There is a difference in charity and love. In charity, we are willing to sacrifice.

 Mothers are willing to die to give birth to others. 

Preach my gospel (page 12) to bring souls to Him is how we show love for Christ. 

Baptism is essential. Until there is a covenant in place, people won’t know how important this covenant is. Each time we take the sacrament. The indicators we have are important but the only most important part is baptism. Invite people to be baptized. Christ was the example. 

What scripture have they listen to the most. This is your time to be disciples of Christ. 

We are all learning. Some people think that they need to know it all. He went to the same things he has asked us to go thru. 


President Nelson: April 2017 the more we know Him, the more we love Him. 

How did the mission changed us to become better disciples? How can we share the importance of what we lived and how we can become better disciples? Write about those feelings. The mission couples you will know Christ and your wife or husband. He loves his missionaries. All we do is for their benefit. 


The focus of the area is Jesus Christ. We pray for you and we love you.

“El templo es el núcleo de nuestra fe. 

El plan es uno solo. Moroni 10:31”


Why are the stakes important? To strengthen Zion to be a shield from the world. All the people you baptize need to have strong stakes. The focal point is to strengthen the new converts. 


Three goals: Share the gospel. Strength the youth and make and keep covenants. Every month they need to be in contact with the ministering sisters and brothers. 

In the Strength, the youth focus we need to encourage our youth to plan to go on a mission. The most important thing is before going on a mission they need to go to the temple. Of all the lists, you have please focus on obtaining the temple endowment. Abraham 4:18


Invite all to come to Christ. The Yoke is the ordinance. The load is less heavy when we make covenants. The focus of the area is Jesus Christ and his covenants. 

Start with the end in mind. Future missionaries start at the temple and end at the temple. All of these covenants take us to Christ. 


 “Come to me and I will make you fishermen of men” before you invite to get baptized, he lived among them and taught them. Invite is the key. 

As we know Christ we want to share what we know. 

Lehi loved, shared, Invited 2 Nephi 2: 18.


President Nelson does the same thing by inviting us. Testify and promise. We need to teach our missionaries to invite to pray, read the book of Mormon, attend church, to be baptized etc. This is the plan. We need those missionaries to keep inviting 100% Very rarely the missionaries would invite to do anything that is not related to Christ. Inspired invitations. President Ballard.  It can’t be mechanical, it needs to come from the heart. The invitation needs to be accompanied by the spirit. The missionaries are the angels. don’t need to be too concern if the idea came from their head or the spirit. D & C 121:45-46 Ask what is the next step you need to take to be baptized? Missionaries have the spirit with them. We invite all! 


Elder Walker is telling the story of President Nelson and his urgent need to travel in 2019 as a new prophet. He was going to meet with the prime minister of New Zeland. How does he do it? He said, my life is coming to an end. I will be in the presence of past Presidents who gave it all. 

The same can be said about the quorum of the twelve. How do we teach our missionaries to have urgency? There is a need to invite our missionaries. There is so much to do and so little time to do it. 


Con amor,


Saturday, March 12, 2022

Words from Elder Bednar

Elder Bednar's part two of the things he explained to our members. 


“Only two things are needed, the plan of salvation and covenants. Think of all the challenges that you face. Think of what is going on with the families around you? You will never go wrong if you only focus on those two things.” 


“Grace is power that is enlarging our capacity to accomplish many things. Take my yoke upon you. (Matthew 11: 28-30) As we receive the ordinances of the gospel that is how we are yoked with him as we live the gospel we are with him and that is what gives us the power to deal with all our difficulties. Our responsibility is to help the members understand that we have a covenant connection to the resurrected Christ. He is alive. We can be yoked with him and that capacity is real and practical” 


“Have you ever wished we could be baptized again?  A child needs to be more excited about receiving the holy ghost than getting baptized.  What do we do when we take the sacrament? A promise is given that we can have the holy ghost be with us. Does eating the bread and water eliminate our sins? No but if we repent and take the sacrament, it will so we can renew our covenant. Understanding these principles is crucial.  The answers are found in the ordinances, the covenants, the principles and doctrine.” 


“Relief Society, Elder’s quorum and all you need is this. See about people one by one and not programs. You need to have a name and what to do. We would see faces and remember names.”  The Savior ministered to His disciples one by one.” 


“Do you ever really use the notes you take? I told the brethren that this makes me smile and watch all these people in the conference center but they don’t need to do that. Take notes on what the spirit tells you. Feelings to the heart. Thoughts to the mind.”


“Many temples have been announced. We place too much emphasis on the building but it is not about the building but the living resurrected Christ and the covenants we made with him. The ordinances and covenants are in the temple.  Any time we talk about the temple it should be related to the Savior, the covenants and ordinances and last the temple. The Savior is the pearl and the temple is the box.” A covenant is a promise between God and the children here on earth. An ordinance is a holy act performed in the holy priesthood that teaches us about the covenants. The ordinance is a teacher about the covenant.” 


At the very end of questions and answers someone asked Elder Bednar about how to teach children about being chase. He explained that from the time that his boys were young he told them the story of Joseph who resisted temptation and not like David. He has a son who is a doctor and he has been to his clinic, the nurses are very attractive so he has continued to have the same talk. He has them with all his boys and their wives even now that they are all in their forties. I thought that part was a good reminder. 


Con amor,

Vero and Daniel


Friday, March 11, 2022


No one up to two weeks ago, cared about Ukraine because it was not in anyone’s radar but today it’s all what people are talking about. 


Here is what someone who has lived in Ukraine shared. “As is my first post on Ukraine.


Ukraine has a long, troubled, and difficult history. It is worth taking some time to read about their history through the centuries.


After World War II, the “iron curtain” was erected to separate Western Europe from Soviet-controlled Eastern Europe. The Soviets wanted to separate itself and the areas they controlled from the contact and influence of the west. In 1991, the Cold War ended and the one-party control of Eastern Europe by the communist party ended. Since that time, Ukraine has sought more western influence, while Russia has continued to isolate themselves and some have attempted to reconstruct the larger Soviet empire as to not leave them isolated.


In July 1990, the parliament of Ukraine passed a declaration of sovereignty and on August 24th, 1991, Ukraine was declared independent from the Soviet Union. In December of 1991, Leonard Kravchuk was elected the first president of Ukraine.


I was called to serve as a full-time missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on January 23, 1992. My original assignment was to the Austria Vienna East Mission to “labor in Russia.” A copy of the call from Ezra Taft Benson is attached. Also attached is the map of the mission boundaries (which is massive) and a letter from my mission president that stated that Ukraine was “a great country where the Church is in its infancy.” The letter goes on to say that in addition to Ukraine, “our mission also presently includes the Republic of Byelorussia and parts of the Russian Republic south of Moscow.”


On July 21, 1992, after two months of intensive language training, I arrived in Kyiv. My first journal entry there has many thoughts including how much the Dnieper River flowing through the city impacted me. “It is large and very beautiful and adds so much character to Kyiv.” 


The first four months of my mission were in the northern part of Kyiv known as Vinogrador and Obolon. I have heard those areas mentioned in the news reports as fighting continues in those areas. Seeing streets that I walked and areas that I lived in piled in rubble brings tears to my eyes for the people who treated me so kindly. Whether they were receptive to the message I was there to share, or not, they were family-oriented, hardworking, generous, and kind people.


On July 29, 1992, I wrote, “I have been wondering since I got my mission assignment in January if communism could make a comeback here? But, even after only a few days here, I can tell you that the more people I talk to, the more I realize how little desire they have for that or to be affiliated with Russia. They value their freedom and independence.”


On August 24, 1992, I wrote in my journal, “Today is Ukrainian Independence Day. It is a big holiday because it is such a young, independent country. It has only been a little while since it broke its ties with the Soviet Union and Russia. The people are very proud of their own culture and history. I think they love it so much because they know that there are Russian loyalists who want to try to control Ukraine. They are also very proud of it because they have waited so long for freedom and the chance to act independently. Being downtown Kyiv today on Kreshatik (the most famous and busiest street in the city) today really helped me grow closer to the Ukrainians. Watching people wave the blue and yellow flags made me realize how long they have been waiting to be free. The people look so sharp in their Ukrainian skirts, shirts, pants, boots, etc. It made me see a part of them that I haven’t known. Even though life is difficult here now as they transition, their spirits were so high today. They all remembered why the times are hard now, that they will be worth it in the long run.”


May God bless the Ukrainian people who are fleeing for their lives and those who are standing firm to fight for their freedom. I know how much it means to them. If anyone knows how important freedom is and how much it is worth fighting for, it is them. 

I proudly stand with Ukraine.”


And to think that Mitt Romney was criticized for insinuating this sort of atrocities could come about by Russia, it’s sad.


Con amor,


Thursday, March 10, 2022

in light of Recent Events

An interview with Anderson Cooper. “How could God let something like this happen?' (regarding Ukraine). Ben Stein gave an extremely profound and insightful response. She said, 'I believe God is deeply saddened by this, just as we are, but for years we've been telling God to get out of our schools, to get out of our government and to get out of our lives. And being the gentleman He is, I believe He has calmly backed out. How can we expect God to give us His blessing and His protection if we demand He leave us alone?'


In light of recent events… I think it started when Madeleine Murray O'Hare (she was murdered, her body found a few years ago) complained she didn't want prayer in our schools, and we said OK. Then someone said you better not read the Bible in school. The Bible says thou shalt not kill; thou shalt not steal, and love your neighbor as yourself. And we said OK.


Then Dr. Benjamin Spock said we shouldn't discipline our children when they misbehave, because their little personalities would be warped and we might damage their self-esteem (Dr. Spock's son committed suicide). We said an expert should know what he's talking about. And we said okay.


Now we're asking ourselves why our children have no conscience, why they don't know right from wrong, and why it doesn't bother them to kill strangers, their classmates, and themselves. Probably, if we think about it long and hard enough, we can figure it out. I think it has a great deal to do with 'WE REAP WHAT WE SOW.'


Funny how simple it is for people to trash God and then wonder why the world's going to hell. Funny how we believe what the newspapers say, but question what the Bible says. Funny how you can send 'jokes' through e-mail and they spread like wildfire, but when you start sending messages regarding the Lord, people think twice about sharing. Funny how lewd, crude, vulgar and obscene articles pass freely through cyberspace, but public discussion of God is suppressed in the school and workplace.


Are you laughing yet?

Ben Stein” 


I think Ben Stein made a good point when he said, “We reap what we sow” 


Con amor,


Wednesday, March 9, 2022


There was a moment when Moses had the nerve to ask God what his name is. 

God was gracious enough to answer, and the name he gave is recorded in the original Hebrew as YHWH.

Over time we’ve arbitrarily added an “a” and an “e” in there to get YaHWeH, presumably because we have a preference for vowels. 

But scholars and Rabbis have noted that the letters YHWH represent breathing sounds, or aspirated consonants. When pronounced without intervening vowels, it actually sounds like breathing. 

YH (inhale): WH (exhale). 

So a baby’s first cry, his first breath, speaks the name of God. 

A deep sigh calls His name – or a groan or gasp that is too heavy for mere words. 

Even an atheist would speak His name, unaware that their very breath is giving constant acknowledgment to God. 

Likewise, a person leaves this earth with their last breath, when God’s name is no longer filing their lungs. 

So when I can’t utter anything else, is my cry calling out His name?

Being alive means I speak His name constantly. 

So, is it heard the loudest when I’m the quietest?

In sadness, we breathe heavy sighs. 

In joy, our lungs feel almost like they will burst. 

In fear we hold our breath and have to be told to breathe slowly to help us calm down. 

When we’re about to do something hard, we take a deep breath to find our courage. 

When I think about it, breathing is giving him praise. Even in the hardest moments! 

This is so beautiful and fills me with emotion every time I grasp the thought. God chose to give himself a name that we can’t help but speak every moment we’re alive. 

All of us, always, everywhere. 

Waking, sleeping, breathing, with the name of God on our lips.


Con amor,


Tuesday, March 8, 2022

I love being a woman

Today we celebrate Women’s Day but some have taken it to the extreme and used this day to profit for their liberal cause and I think is degrading. 


Call me misinformed, racist, disgrace to women, bigot, embarrassment, old fashion, stupid, misinformed, and some words I can’t say and some words I can’t say but I will not refer to mothers as “birthing people.” Why? because the degradation placed on women deeply offends me. 


Now, who are these people changing what is plain and simple into a circus? 

They are people who claim to be for love, tolerance, inclusion and equality but they don’t think of those of us who are deeply offended by those terms. I represent a different side they do. 


Now, who are these people hurling these kinds of insults at me.


They are women who claim to be for love, tolerance, inclusion and equality. 


Why are these women expressing such hatred towards me? 


Is it because I said something factually wrong? Was I unkind or unsympathetic? Did I say something that was actually racist or bigoted or misinformed? Or did they just not like what I had to say? I get called all kinds of things including a disgrace to women. Because I am conservative, because I am pro-life. That is, it! Not because of anything I’ve actually said. I get to be called these names because I represent a different side they do. Because I disagree with them. Because I didn’t vote for the Democrats. 


I can’t stand the lies of planned parenthood. And I am against the hypocrisy of third-wave feminists who falsely claim to be for women and because of that, I am apparently living in a bubble of ignorance. I am just a white privileged scum. Because love, tolerance, acceptance, equality, I get told all the time, you know that a feminist just means you believe women should be equal to men right? What’s wrong with that? You wouldn’t be where you are without feminist fighting for you.” So let’s get one thing straight. 


There is nothing wrong with being a feminist if what you are fighting for is true equality and empowerment. But that’s not the case is it? Modern day feminism isn’t about equality but vulgarity. It’s not about empowerment because it is exclusively liberal. It is exclusively pro-abortion, It’s predicated on your willingness to march around in a vagina costume and safety pins. Modern day feminism tells women that they are simultaneously self-sufficient and victims of the inescapable clutches of white patriarchy. 


Modern feminism ignores the fact that hundreds of thousands of babies that are aborted each year are young women. Modern day feminism dresses up like a virgin Mary in the middle of the street and stages an abortion. Yes, that happened. Modern day feminism. Ashley Judd stated that Donald Trump becoming President was worse than being physically raped. Modern day feminism liken Trump to the Genocidal Hitler. Modern day feminists are up in arms about every micro aggression against their feminine identity.  But are largely silent when it comes to sexiest remarks against Republican women. Modern day feminist won’t let you be shamed for sleeping around, but They’ll shame you all day for being pro-life. Today you can’t be a feminist and be pro-life. You can’t be a feminist and a conservative. You can’t be a feminist and a Christian, you can’t be a feminist and disagree with any part of the liberal agenda. And yet somehow, we are the fascists. So don’t buy it.  Don’t let these so called feminists full you. I will not refer to mothers as “birthing people.” Why? because the degradation placed on women deeply offends me. Now, who are these people changing what is plain and simple into a circus? 

They are people who claim to be for love, tolerance, inclusion and equality but they don’t think of those of us who are deeply offended by those terms. I represent a different side they do. 

Speak up, let their movement die so that real empowerment, virtue and equality take root and grow. The future is female, and yes, we will persist to fight for our rights but with dignity. 


 con amor,


Monday, March 7, 2022

Marching into March With Elder Bednar

Amazing that we are entering the month of March which means that soon we will be listening to General Conference once again. For the past six months, we have been listening to the conference talks. I want to give a shout out to Emily Belle Freeman and her Inklings Institute on Instagram. She is live every Thursday morning at 9:00 a.m. Utah time. I love her podcast! 


This week and next week, Daniel is busy with the visit of Elder Bednar. Yesterday I listened to what he told the people in Cordoba, and I hope to share a few thoughts with you in this letter. 


He started by saying: “Here you are wearing a white shirt and tie and are here inside a Church to listen to an Apostle when you could be watching a soccer match drinking a beer. Yes, you are weird and I love you for that! We won’t be given talks. We are not going to do any of that! You need to take notes but not of what we say but what you will feel. Heaven is asking you to assist those people or find someone who would. I could have stayed in Salt Lake and sent you my talks. Taking notes is not what you need to do. You don’t need to take notes but focus on what the Holy Ghost is telling you. All the revelation will not come through me. The revelation is among us.”


“During the pandemic people have an excuse for not ministering. Any time when we are too comfortable we might lose the guidance of the spirit. If the person is not doing anything, the spirit is sleeping but when we give them and invite them to do something, they will retain their faith. Faith is a principle of action and power. It’s not impossible to get burned if you are ministering. Managers might get burned out but not ministering. “


“Scripture said there would be war and rumors of wars and that is now. No one knows when the second coming will be. We simply live as if he comes now. He may come next year or in 100 years. Only two things are needed: The Plan of salvation and covenants.” 


“For decades Bishops have been asked to focus on the youth but the adults did not let them. Bishops need to focus on young people. Elder quorum Presidents, and Relief Society Presidents you need to delegate. You will be surprised how well people do the assignments and that is the power of Godliness. Grace is power that is enlarging our capacity.”


Next week, I will share more thoughts. 


Con amor,



Sunday, March 6, 2022

Let God Prevail

My dear brothers and sisters, how grateful I am for the marvelous messages of this conference and for my privilege to speak with you now.

For the more than 36 years I’ve been an Apostle, the doctrine of the gathering of Israel has captured my attention.1 Everything about it has intrigued me, including the ministries and names2 of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; their lives and their wives; the covenant God made with them and extended through their lineage;3 the dispersion of the twelve tribes; and the numerous prophecies about the gathering in our day.

I have studied the gathering, prayed about it, feasted upon every related scripture, and asked the Lord to increase my understanding.

So imagine my delight when I was led recently to a new insight. With the help of two Hebrew scholars, I learned that one of the Hebraic meanings of the word Israel is “let God prevail.”4 Thus the very name of Israel refers to a person who is willing to let God prevail in his or her life. That concept stirs my soul!

The word willing is crucial to this interpretation of Israel.5 We all have our agency. We can choose to be of Israel, or not. We can choose to let God prevail in our lives, or not. We can choose to let God be the most powerful influence in our lives, or not.

For a moment, let us recall a crucial turning point in the life of Jacob, the grandson of Abraham. At the place Jacob named Peniel (which means “the face of God”),6 Jacob wrestled with a serious challenge. His agency was tested. Through this wrestle, Jacob proved what was most important to him. He demonstrated that he was willing to let God prevail in his life. In response, God changed Jacob’s name to Israel,7 meaning “let God prevail.” God then promised Israel that all the blessings that had been pronounced upon Abraham’s head would also be his.8

Sadly, Israel’s posterity broke their covenants with God. They stoned the prophets and were not willing to let God prevail in their lives. Subsequently, God scattered them to the four corners of the earth.9 Mercifully, He later promised to gather them, as reported by Isaiah: “For a small moment have I forsaken thee [Israel]; but with great mercies will I gather thee.”10

With the Hebraic definition of Israel in mind, we find that the gathering of Israel takes on added meaning. The Lord is gathering those who are willing to let God prevail in their lives. The Lord is gathering those who will choose to let God be the most important influence in their lives.

For centuries, prophets have foretold this gathering,11 and it is happening right now! As an essential prelude to the Second Coming of the Lord, it is the most important work in the world!

This premillennial gathering is an individual saga of expanding faith and spiritual courage for millions of people. And as members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, or “latter-day covenant Israel,”12 we have been charged to assist the Lord with this pivotal work.13

When we speak of gathering Israel on both sides of the veil, we are referring, of course, to missionary, temple, and family history work. We are also referring to building faith and testimony in the hearts of those with whom we live, work, and serve. Anytime we do anything that helps anyone—on either side of the veil—to make and keep their covenants with God, we are helping to gather Israel.

Not long ago, the wife of one of our grandsons was struggling spiritually. I will call her “Jill.” Despite fasting, prayer, and priesthood blessings, Jill’s father was dying. She was gripped with fear that she would lose both her dad and her testimony.

Late one evening, my wife, Sister Wendy Nelson, told me of Jill’s situation. The next morning Wendy felt impressed to share with Jill that my response to her spiritual wrestle was one word! The word was myopic.

Jill later admitted to Wendy that initially she was devastated by my response. She said, “I was hoping for Grandfather to promise me a miracle for my dad. I kept wondering why the word myopic was the one he felt compelled to say.”

After Jill’s father passed on, the word myopic kept coming to her mind. She opened her heart to understand even more deeply that myopic meant “nearsighted.” And her thinking began to shift. Jill then said, “Myopic caused me to stop, think, and heal. That word now fills me with peace. It reminds me to expand my perspective and seek the eternal. It reminds me that there is a divine plan and that my dad still lives and loves and looks out for me. Myopic has led me to God.”

I am very proud of our precious granddaughter-in-law. During this heart-wrenching time in her life, dear Jill is learning to embrace God’s will for her dad, with an eternal perspective for her own life. By choosing to let God prevail, she is finding peace.

If we will allow it, there are many ways this Hebraic interpretation of Israel can help us. Imagine how our prayers for our missionaries—and for our own efforts to gather Israel—could change with this concept in mind. We often pray that we and the missionaries will be led to those who are prepared to receive the truths of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. I wonder, to whom will we be led when we plead to find those who are willing to let God prevail in their lives?

We may be led to some who have never believed in God or Jesus Christ but who are now yearning to learn about Them and Their plan of happiness. Others may have been “born in the covenant”14 but have since wandered away from the covenant path. They may now be ready to repent, return, and let God prevail. We can assist them by welcoming them with open arms and hearts. And some to whom we may be led may have always felt there was something missing in their lives. They too are longing for the wholeness and joy that come to those who are willing to let God prevail in their lives.

The gospel net to gather scattered Israel is expansive. There is room for each person who will fully embrace the gospel of Jesus Christ. Each convert becomes one of God’s covenant children,15 whether by birth or by adoption. Each becomes a full heir to all that God has promised the faithful children of Israel!16

Each of us has a divine potential because each is a child of God. Each is equal in His eyes. The implications of this truth are profound. Brothers and sisters, please listen carefully to what I am about to say. God does not love one race more than another. His doctrine on this matter is clear. He invites all to come unto Him, “black and white, bond and free, male and female.”17

I assure you that your standing before God is not determined by the color of your skin. Favor or disfavor with God is dependent upon your devotion to God and His commandments and not the color of your skin.

I grieve that our Black brothers and sisters the world over are enduring the pains of racism and prejudice. Today I call upon our members everywhere to lead out in abandoning attitudes and actions of prejudice. I plead with you to promote respect for all of God’s children.

The question for each of us, regardless of race, is the same. Are you willing to let God prevail in your life? Are you willing to let God be the most important influence in your life? Will you allow His words, His commandments, and His covenants to influence what you do each day? Will you allow His voice to take priority over any other? Are you willing to let whatever He needs you to do take precedence over every other ambition? Are you willing to have your will swallowed up in His?18

Consider how such willingness could bless you. If you are unmarried and seeking an eternal companion, your desire to be “of Israel” will help you decide whom to date and how.

If you are married to a companion who has broken his or her covenants, your willingness to let God prevail in your life will allow your covenants with God to remain intact. The Savior will heal your broken heart. The heavens will open as you seek to know how to move forward. You do not need to wander or wonder.

If you have sincere questions about the gospel or the Church, as you choose to let God prevail, you will be led to find and understand the absolute, eternal truths that will guide your life and help you stay firmly on the covenant path.

When you are faced with temptation—even if the temptation comes when you are exhausted or feeling alone or misunderstood—imagine the courage you can muster as you choose to let God prevail in your life and as you plead with Him to strengthen you.

When your greatest desire is to let God prevail, to be part of Israel, so many decisions become easier. So many issues become nonissues! You know how best to groom yourself. You know what to watch and read, where to spend your time, and with whom to associate. You know what you want to accomplish. You know the kind of person you really want to become.

Now, my dear brothers and sisters, it takes both faith and courage to let God prevail. It takes persistent, rigorous spiritual work to repent and to put off the natural man through the Atonement of Jesus Christ.19 It takes consistent, daily effort to develop personal habits to study the gospel, to learn more about Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, and to seek and respond to personal revelation.

During these perilous times of which the Apostle Paul prophesied,20 Satan is no longer even trying to hide his attacks on God’s plan. Emboldened evil abounds. Therefore, the only way to survive spiritually is to be determined to let God prevail in our lives, to learn to hear His voice, and to use our energy to help gather Israel.

Now, how does the Lord feel about people who will let God prevail? Nephi summed it up well: “[The Lord] loveth those who will have him to be their God. Behold, he loved our fathers, and he covenanted with them, yea, even Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; and he remember[s] the covenants which he [has] made.”21

And what is the Lord willing to do for Israel? The Lord has pledged that He will “fight [our] battles, and [our] children’s battles, and our children’s children’s [battles] … to the third and fourth generation”!22

As you study your scriptures during the next six months, I encourage you to make a list of all that the Lord has promised He will do for covenant Israel. I think you will be astounded! Ponder these promises. Talk about them with your family and friends. Then live and watch for these promises to be fulfilled in your own life.

My dear brothers and sisters, as you choose to let God prevail in your lives, you will experience for yourselves that our God is “a God of miracles.”23 As a people, we are His covenant children, and we will be called by His name. Of this I testify in the sacred name of Jesus Christ, amen.


President Russell M. Nelson, General Conference. Oct. 2021