Tuesday, March 1, 2022

All In

The pick for the month of February was the book All In. February is a short month and this is a quick read. It got me ready for Lent too! 


Morgan Jones, author and editor is a professional fabulous storyteller. She worked for the Deseret News where she published hundreds of stories. She is the host of the “All In” podcast sponsored by LDS Living. 


The book explores the perspective of our fellow Saints and what “all In” means to them. Each page contains a daily devotional, or quote from people like, Reyna Aburto, Sharon Eubank, Emily Belle Freeman, Barbara Morgan Gardner, Jared Halverson, John Hilton III, Dallas Jenkins, Gerald Lund, Nathan Pacheco, Virginia Pearce Cowley, Ann Romney, Brooke Snow, Camron Wright. Most are Authors who I have enjoy reading their work. 


I love reading about people who are committed and grounded. When I think of the word All In, I think of commitment, I think of doing hard thing, but most of all, I think of doing to others what you want done unto you. I think of what it really means to be a Christian. 


Con amor


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