Sunday, March 20, 2022

Moving our flight was inspired

It was a good thing that we moved our flight one day earlier. We had enough free time on Friday to see Nela and do some other errands, anyway. Coming back on Saturday rather than Sunday is giving us time to spend a good Sabbath day to ponder and think about what was shared at the seminar. 


We also could help Amy Littlefield with the logistics of her transferring to another airport an hour away from Buenos Aires and ministered to her. She had no idea of what to do regarding taking the PCR test and how to pay for it. It was a tender mercy that he was there to help. Daniel loves helping people. Her husband Shane Littlefield gave us very good insights. He explained: “All you do during the week prepares you for Sunday worship. Can you evaluate your week to see who would you invite to Church on Sunday? See sacrament meeting as the culminating hour or event. 


Everything is based on Preach my gospel. We might want to warn them about what to expect at Church. Is there something that will prevent you from coming to Church? They don’t know anyone. Is good to ask what do they need. We are sincere. The love that we have for our Lord and the people is what matters in the end. Help them to have a good experience. Let them know about the dress code. Let them know the importance of the sacrament. Sit by them. Introduce them to the ward members. Invite them to get involved in the activities. Develop friendships. Anyone who comes in the building may feel more at ease in coming to Church on Sunday. The spirit produces converts! After the meeting is over, there needs to be a briefing about what they felt.” The least we could do was to take care of his wife. We did exactly what we were asked to do in the Seminar. To be disciples of the Lord by doing good deeds. We need to show not just talk. Daniel also went over and beyond the way he always does even helping a Bolivian guy who needed direction. 


In the Seminar, the missionaries are asked to do the work for the Love of Christ and the people they are teaching. Go from house to house teaching to those who will listen. People are not rejecting them, they are rejecting Christ since they are representing Christ. 

 “they do not know where to find it” 


Those who feel the urgency have goals, they prioritize their time, the attitude they have, they are great example, they know and take seriously that they are representatives of Jesus Christ. It is good that they need to read the letter they received when they were called. They need to read the letter periodically.  They have more disposition to work hard, it is reflected in their attitude, they are connected with the objective to bring souls to Christ. The Urgency should be a way of life rather then something circumstantial. 


President Hinckley said he would dedicate his life like the souls of his shoes. When they have more to do, less is the time they should think of themselves. 

Constant effort to find and retain. The urgency comes to take our missionaries to center their lives in Christ. Have a healthy balance of goals, work, and we center everything we do in Christ. 

1 Nephi when Lehi tasted the fruit and wanted to share with those he loved. 


Members efforts are a real asset. Menu of opportunities of members. Identify those people who has passion for missionary work. In fishing, always have more than one line in the water. Talk to every person you know as possible. Teach to find and find to teach. The pandemic made so things are done on line but best is to talk face to face. 

This is an invitation by Elder Ballard so the Bishop can spend his time with the youth. It’s all about relationships and the friendships we make in this life. “Si, se puede!”   


Con amor,


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